Come guess this movie in the 2017 20:20 game!

No correct guesses yet. In what movie will you see this not very helpful frame at the 40:40?


Employee of the Month!

In what movie will you see this at the 60:60?


Lars and the Real Girl?

Is that Bran Stark?

Hmm, looks like I’ve screwed the porch on this one. No one? One more chance! In what movie will you see this at the 80:80?


I have no idea what film it is, but that last frame could inspire a great 3x3

Well, the writing was on the wall once no one got the 20, since that guy on the right is pretty hard to forget. Apparently, I’m the only one here who’s seen Super Dark Times, an intriguing but not entirely successful mix of Stand By Me, River’s Edge, Lord of the Flies, and Superbad. Great cast, though! And great 80s production design. Stranger Things and It wish they had it this good.

I’ll post a different movie later. Hopefully I can come up with something you guys have seen…


I’ve been trying to get the term “Reaganpunk”, describing these Ready Player One or Beyond the Black Rainbow style resurrections of '80s excess, to take off. So far, success is limited, which is not gnarly, dude. I’ll keep an eye out for Super Dark Times.

Just watched this based on Tom’s tepid non-recommendation and really enjoyed it! The young actors were just superb.

Ooh, I like this! I like it a lot. Especially for stuff like Beyond the Black Rainbow. I’m going to join your movement!


In what movie will you see this at the 20:20?


Herbie: 2049

Should be a fairly recent Dodge Challenger, but since nobody takes a relaxed scenic drive in the Fast & the Furious movies, that’s all I got.

Colour scheme is wrong for a FF movie, so I’m going to guess Tom’s favourite movie, Need For Speed.

No correct guesses so far, but I will concede that Need for Speed is one of my favorite Fast and Furious movies.

In what movie will you see this at the 40:40?


Looks like Midnight Special has already been done, so is it Captain America: Winter Soldier?

No idea on the movie, but I did like that the car radio in the 20 was tuned to 96.5, which is my favorite geezer rock station in Milwaukee.

That looks like a bald Vince Vaughn.