Come play SimCity with us in the Qt3 regions!

I am looking to join in, haven’t played a sim city since some time in the 90’s. Origin ID is Arkon262.

Please invite me: DennyEditer

Well, when the server will let you back in, at any rate. If both NA servers are full at 9 am PT on a workday, it’s gonna be a good week to play Tomb Raider.

Please add me: Zenchess . Ready to create the richest city in the world! :)

Toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom. Invite lordkosc! =P

My Origin handle is APDumbledore, and I’d love to join the party. Unfortunately, I’m not able to log into the North America West server right now, as it’s “busy.” I hope it gets less busy. :)

If there’s room, invite me: monofurioso

I’d love an invite! My Origin name is also madpeon.

Quick question. My wife and I are both planning to pick up the game this week. Playing a single city and relying on others is an aspect we’re both interested in, but she’s not an active Qt3 user. Would it be cool to have her join the regiom, or would you prefer to keep preserve the Qt3 purity?

I think we are past the point where the first region will be full, the max a region can hold is 16. Where is TOM, is he going to start a second region? What is going on…


Invite Me! I’m TheFirstDonut. Everybody likes donuts, right?

Installed and ready to go, invite Scottdobros to the QT3 region please ; )


I changed my name to G33Whiz on origin (a lot more simple than GeeeWhizz - should have thought about that last night - laugh)

Ooh, I want an invite. Origin username same as here, “Xemu”.

Boo noo, buy from Broughton. We bring the green to your local wildlife. Glowing green that is. Send your children one and all to be educated in the proud traditions of the Broughts. We slowly roast your children using our patented approach to child care. They’ll be glowing, with intellect! Ignore any rumors to the effect of Broughton being a molten cesspool of radioactive zombies. Anyone who would tell you that is just jealous of our braaaaaiiiiiinsssss…

Can we get into a price war? I don’t know anything about those mechanics, I should look that up.

Also I’ll rename according to the rules when I get home.

I want to play!

Origin name: trapirs

Sounds sweet!

Origin: Tintelpe

Knock, knock!

It’s BanzaiWanderer looking for the fight club.

Just bought it. My Origin name is indierthanthou.

I’d love to play with some Qt3 guys (total n00b warning).

My Origin thing is FreezerBag.

My city has become the crime capital of the region and I’m not sure there’s any coming back from it now. 450+ criminals per day wander my streets causing havok and mayhem, with three pretty much maxed out police stations costing around 7000 sim bucks a month and pushed beyond their limits.

From a thriving metropolis with consistent 75%+ approval rating, 150,000 in the bank and thousands coming in each month… I’m now fighting the threat of bankruptcy every moment, with my people abandoning the city all over the place. I’ve had to shut down anything that I can, closing the airport and bus terminal was a tough decision.

I still don’t really know what happened!