Conan Exiles - Funcom, open-world survival

New update is out.

Conan is the game i both hate and love at the same time. Frustrating but addicting.

The heat/cold thing is interesting, but seems half baked. There doesn’t seem enough to do to deal with heat. There are areas where you basically can’t go in the desert even with light armor (which supposedly helps with heat). Shade/standing in water doesn’t help heat. Buildings don’t seem to affect heat. You can basically overheat in seconds with no warning.

Stability seems a bit worse, which isn’t good. I’ve had a number of crashes, mostly since the hot fix patch yesterday. The game was never the most stable, but it seems worse now.

The map changes are nice, but my markers seem to randomly disappear. Thankfully they seem to come back eventually, but it is still very annoying.

It continues to amaze me that basically every survival crafting game is run in a very amateur way. I’m probably putting the game on hold until they finish the update.