Cool panoramic photo of the inauguration

Just a very cool detailed panaoramic photo. Be sure and use the zoom capabilities:

Good find Jeff!

I think I have the same gloves as Bush.

God, Cheney looks just like Mr. Potter from “It’s a wonderful life”.

Quick! Spot the Fed!


That is a very nice find. It would be very slick if you could mouse over the people on the upper platforms to identify them (the public officials).

Aretha Franklin (four rows behind Bush and Cheney) has a beard in this photo. She is also sitting next to a man with no face wearing a grey fedora.

Justice Clarence Thomas looks to be asleep during the speech.

Here’s a link directly to it rather than Digg.

Check out the people on dome itself. At first I thought they were high-tech super Secret Service folks with high impact smart helmets to keep them patched to HQ.

Then I realized that they just must be really frickin cold and are trying to prevent heat loss through the head, the closer I zoomed in.

Not only is Thomas asleep, Scalia is staring off into the distance, apparently bored. Or maybe daydreaming about making Obama’s life miserable for the next 4 years.

If you look at the buildings across the way, there actually are countersnipers.

My thoughts?



A completely unrelated super-zoomable picture of Tokyo. This one’s even more zoomable – you can scope in to read license plates on cars you can barely even see at first.

It gets a little weird where it’s stitching the composite image together, yep :)