Cop Shooting Thread

“Officials say the officers’ body cameras weren’t turned on and a squad camera didn’t capture the shooting.”

She’s the one who called the police btw.

So the chain of events:
Woman calls police.
Police arrive.
Woman goes up to police car to talk to police she called.
Police shoot her.

God. Well she’s young, pretty and white, plus has links to another country… as bad as that sounds, I think that increases the odds substantially that her family could actually get an answer as to what happened and maybe justice if it’s bad. It sure doesn’t look good. Two cameras off and an encounter in an alley.

Sadly I think you are probably 100% accurate. If it were a black male we’d already have stories about some nebulously defined shady past that meant he deserved it.

Or how he didn’t follow instructions or moved funny.

If there’s a group of americans who shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns, it sure appears to be the police.

That used to be the position of the Right ironically.

Most of the articles about how police over use their weapons and can’t shoot for shit came from conservative gun people.
It was actually a response to the liberal position of “call the cops and wait for help” when it came to self-defense situations.

Never forget the Joe Biden plan! Fire your shotgun out the window and wait for Secret Service to arrive.

They need to make it so that Cops have their body-cam footage checked every day when they get off duty, and if they don’t have it, they are fired.

We’re not going to get close to have any requirement approaching what you proposed unless we bring the hammer down on the police unions. Until we can break the code of silence nothing will change. We also need to to require departments to better screen for assholes who want to shoot people for fun as well as training that doesn’t treat the public as their primary adversary. Good luck with any of those objectives with Republicans in charge and not to mention the unions will scream bloody murder against any serious reform.

I was right with you there until you brought Unions into it. If cops are collectively engaging in bad behavior or creating bad working cultures, that’s going to happen regardless of whether they have union representation or not.

I think unions get too much flack in a lot of cases, but the close ranks around even the most vile asshole and push against everything that can improve safety for the police and the public I do believe has some union backing which is… very bad.

Unions are like lawyers; they advocate for your position and aren’t designed to care about anything else.

I’m supportive of unions when they operate as part of a broad based movement to improve conditions for all Americans. However, individual unions are capable of short term and self interested behavior and there are a number of examples of police unions falling into this self-serving category. So some police unions are one factor (not the only factor) making reform and improvement of police procedures difficult in this country.

Suspended without pay at the least with dismissal for repeated offenses.

Lawyers who also write the laws for you in the case of public unions.

Most of the time when these guys face no real repercussions despite being chronic offenders is because of union rules.

Minneapolis police shot and killed an unarmed 40 year old woman from Australia on Saturday and have given no explanation at all thus far. Also, the officers had body cams, which were turned off at the time of the shooting.

There are many troubling issues here but I don’t think I can recall a fatal police shooting where there wasn’t at least some initial police statement on what happened. That strikes me as troubling to the point of being disconcerting.

Yup, discussed a number of posts upthread.

Jesus fucking Christ. That poor woman and her family. How am I supposed to raise my kids to do anything but fear the police?

That’s key. Try not to feel ashamed. Just avoid them whenever possible, however you can.