Cop Shooting Thread

You’re right, I should differentiate between those.

Here’s a story on the other side of the issue. TLDR: Cops answer a domestic disturbance call, try to subdue the aggressor and end up getting stuck with used needles.

In retrospect, there’s a reasonable argument that they should have shot him.

Not sure how there’s a reasonable argument for that. The suspect was resisting arrest, and the officers were getting him under control. During the scuffle, they were pricked by some needles on the floor. It’s not like the guy was wielding needles like daggers.

Plus, even if the person who used the needles was HIV-positive (Which he apparently isn’t), we’re talking like a .3% chance of transmission at best. Should the police just shoot everyone in a house where needles are present, just in case?

When I worked at a county jail, I got in a scuffle with a uncooperative prisoner during booking. They had a used needle. I got pricked. I guess I should have shot them when they arrived, on the off-chance they had a needle?

The police can’t just shoot everyone they get in a scuffle with. We’ve seen how that turns out.

You would wrestle a meth addict in a room strewn with used needles, after the taser didn’t work? OK. But I’m stating that a reasonable person might come to the conclusion that this presents a significant risk to officer safety. I’m just saying, I think there’s room to argue on this one.

Any excuse for a summary execution eh. I was going to compare it to Brazilian cops but they only execute gang members in favelas rather than anyone they damn please for any reason they can think of… afterwards.

This is really is a stretch. You don’t just go around shooting people because there are needles around. A reasonable person does not walk away from a scare that a lot of professions run into now and then and says well I guess I should have committed murder, that would have been better.

ER… Why would such a thing even exist?

They didn’t in NYC in the past. At least in the form of a card. What police officers could give family members were miniature badges with the same badge number as the actual officer. I have one from my cousin who used to be a cop. They are about an inch tall. They are called mini-badges.

The theory is that you place them in your wallet in a visible place when you show a cop your license. And when they see it you get a break.

Now these cards are something new to me. I’m guessing that the mini badges were a thing of the 1970s and 80s.

The reality is that some cops would give you a break, (for the minis) some would ignore it and some would get really pissed off at you for trying it.

I would think that the cards work the same way. It’s a crapshoot. For the mini badges it was a matter of the cop recognizing the number. Or asking who your family member is. You don’t come up with a name they know, you’re fucked.

Mini badges are still a thing, or were a couple years ago. My sister in law carries one, her brother being a NYPD detective (I think, unsure of rank).

“Ah-oh boy, I just can’t take my rest
Ah-oh boy, I just can’t take my rest
With this 32-20 laying up and down my breast”

Because sometimes you just land on a space marked “GO TO JAIL”?

Good thing their identifies are blurred, unlike the hashtag campaigns.

Surprised they didn’t have a bodycam malfunction tbh.

Sheesh :(

But while Hyman’s history of legal work is a firable offense to the sheriff, deputies engaging in illegal conduct like drunk driving and vehicular assault has not been deemed sufficient grounds for firing by Schillari in the past.

As an outsider, the impression I’ve gotten of the US has been that anything involving sex/nudity is considered far more serious than violence, guns, alchol etc. and as such this reaction in Hudson county just further strengthens that impression. It’s still pretty mental to witness, though.