Coronavirus 2019

To tag onto a thread of discussion from earlier, my health, which was already spiraling down mentally and physically for the last year or so, has tanked considerably during the pandemic. Gained a good 10-15lbs despite cutting out all but one DoorDashed restaurant meal a week (down from eating out 4-5 times a week, generally on the way to or home from my various RPG, concert, and social commitments) and going to strictly home-cooked + snacks. And, the snacking hasn’t really increased from pre-COVID; I was just free to cook as much of whatever I wanted, as often as I wanted to, and I’m very good at making delicious, but supremely unhealthy, food, heh. And considering that the only physical activity I got most pre-COVID days was walking to/from my car to go to work/RPGs/concerts/social engagements, and the fact that the work bathroom was a good 10x as far away from my desk as the bathroom in my apartment is from my desk here, anything even approaching exercise was completely lost.

Meanwhile, the depressive spell I’d been on for months already ratcheted into high gear, keeping me hooked on comfort foods, avoiding my in-home workout equipment, and slumping on the couch watching comfort food TV in lieu of doing anything mentally or socially engaging.

After a couple of really unpleasant scares and even-more-unpleasant conversations with some of the people who care most about me, I’m taking some steps to improve all this for the first time since the lockdowns began in early March, but ugh, it kills me that I’ve got even further to climb to get out of the health-hole now than I did 7.5 months ago, and less energy to do it with.

And all the more cuz I’ve basically increased my chances of actually being at significant risk from this damned pandemic through these actions/non-actions, raising my weight, BP, and blood sugar from my last physical in 2019 :(