Coronavirus 2019

I mean, it’s the same info we had. Not on thrombosis, but a highly usual form of it normally associated with immune response.

Ah, thanks. The reporting I’d read earlier hadn’t mentioned that kind of specifics, so I thought this was new info.

It first came from Denmark and was in yesterday’s EMA update.

It’s a thought one if it’s confirmed. Incidence seems to be significantly lower that 1 in 100k (deaths might be in 1 in a million). In the absence of a substitute vaccine it would probably be good public health policy to recommend vaccination continues since COVID mortality is way over that, but it’s in the grey area, specially with the numbers of doses expected.

But if it’s confirmed I don’t think the US will approve its use.

Also, if this ones out it’s going to be an immune response, it’s not something that can be easy to adscribe to a manufacturing defect (it’s not impossible, though). Still, the lack of UK reporting is still really strange.

Or COVID induced CVST is underdiagnosed:

And is more likely to be diagnosed in cases where someone has had a vaccine that people are suspicious of. We know that for a variety of reasons there’s considerable scepticism in Germany over the AZ vacine.

Yes that’s the other possibility, that we are seeing COVID infections in vaccinated people. But still it should have been picked up by the UK rollout if it’s there, whatever the underlying cause and even if a false alarm.

It was Denmark and Norway the first to report this, not Germany. This is just warning systems doing what they are meant to do plus questionable political action over that (the halt in vaccinations).

EMA will release a decision on Thursday, so we’ll see. We might get an update today too.

Based on my own anecdotal evidence anyone in the UK with any co-morbidities or pre-existing condition seems to be getting the Pfizer jab…

As it’s in most of Europe, afaik. AZ is mostly been used in non-risk under-55 essential workers. Three of the 4 deaths have been in healthy under-50 patients.

If it’s there (and it’s a big IF) the UK should have seen it or it’s a manufacturing issue (which would be strange, but it’s possible).

More specific data coming out:

One thing to note, Italy’s, Denmark’s and at least one of Austria’s fatalities were also women, so there might be a specific risk factor there. OR it might be that there are way more women in essential worker positions and thus significantly more jabs administered to women than men.

Also, implications of this data: Incidence of sinus vein thrombosis is about 15 per million per year, according to most recent studies trying to get around underreporting, so 6 cases in a month in a vaccinated population of about 1500-1600k (Germany’s Astrazeneca adoption is slow) would be a very significant relative risk increase and certainly reason to stop and look closer to see if it’s real or an artifact caused by COVID infection simultaneous with vaccine intake. (note, reason to stop and look, and probably resume knowing the risks. Not so sure about reason to stop vaccination, since the reduced mortality is always going to be way higher than the side effects, so from apublic health perspective in the absence of alternative shots in quantity you should keep the vaccinations up. On the other hand 1 in 100k serious side effect is in the border of what would normally fly with a widely distributed vaccine, but we are living through very special circumstances).

Edit: aaaand EMA news conference at 13h GMT. We should get a good idea of what they are looking at and if it’s something or not.

Just say NO to nitric oxide

I know there’s a handful of us in Ohio. More mass vaccination sites by the end of the month and everyone 16+ is eligible for a shot in under two weeks.

Took me a sec to get that. :)

How do they not include diabetes in that list? Were they already allowed?

There’s certainly overlap–a lot of diabetics also have kidney problems, for example, and certainly obesity overlaps–but I would expect diabetics to be high on the list.

Yes, diabetics are already eligible.

Why? The shot goes in your arm, not your face. ;-)

It is Florida. Maybe they inject faces down there? I know in Utah we get our vaccine delivered via a shot to the arm, but the vaccine does contain a digitized Book of Mormon nanobot swarm.

we tolerate no bicep shaver shaming here

It assume to wear a mask properly

Got my first Pfizer shot this morning. Like a lot of others, I found it deeply unsettling to be around that many people, though the facility did enforce masking and distancing pretty well. I wore a surgical mask over my usual cloth one, figuring that there was no such thing as too much protection in this kind of situation, and that made me feel better about the whole thing. I’m thrilled to be on the road to immunity, though!

Yes. Although we may go to a drive up site, so maybe no shave. We shall see.