Coronavirus 2019

Seriously? Is there a free version of this NYT story about ventilators somewhere? I have got to read this thing. It sounds unbelievable.

6 liters of water, but more than 25 of coffee? I’m sure that checks out.

I believe all NY Times COVID stories are now free for all… so here.

I was hoping not to have to login, but I guess I have to create an account to see it, otherwise it puts up a screen so I can’t read the article.

Apparently a coffee cup is about 120 ml. So I guess what I have is about 2 cups at a time…

Every now and then someone kills themselves accidentally with caffeine

Coincidentally, 175 espresso shots also measures about 6 liters. But I imagine the lethallity manifests quite differently!

Is it wrong that I hope to see photos of all the most connected and richest Republicans jammed into that room?

Neil Ferguson has responded to folks misrepresenting his remarks. I posted it in the other thread.

Sorry, I can’t find it in this gargantuan thread.

Does someone have a link for the website tracking the number of tests daily by US state? (Not just confirmed, but test capacity)

Also, I recall a post earlier that California has a huge backlog of tests to be processed - is there a source on that? Is that a number (backlog) tracked over time?


Anecdotally, a friend who is a doctor in the bay area had symptoms and was tested a week ago. Her symptoms have thankfully subsided, but she still has not gotten test results back.


Testing in California

As of 2 p.m. PDT on March 24, approximately 66,800 tests had been conducted in California. This includes the latest numbers California has received from commercial and private labs and the 22 [state and county health labs] that are currently testing. At least 18,276 results have been received and another 48,600 are pending.

Is this what you’re looking for?

Well, fuck.

I’m pretty sure that has been debunked.


Aww, man, I love Hohmann’s Daily 202. Dude just seems so sincere and meticulous. How is it he’s Tweeting easily debunked trash clickbait stats like that? :(


I’m pretty sure there is a distinction between a medical call and a “omg something happened call”.

If I call 911 because someone is outside firing a gun, that’s not a medical call unless someone gets hit.
If I call 911 because I’m having a heart attack, that’s a medical call.

Perhaps. Regardless it is the most calls since 9/11 so still noteworthy.

Perfect! Thank you.