Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

What the hell? I was just waiting for silencers to make a comeback… I’m a little bit concerned about more types of guns they can’t balance.

Need more information though.

There was a partial update earlier with a bunch of things like crate keys and weapon skins, but I think they’re still only in the game files.

Reddit’s the best place to read about this kinda stuff:

Update is live.

Firstly, you will receive decorated weapons automatically, via timed weapon drops, just by playing on both official and community servers in any game mode.
Sounds like TF2 with guns instead of hats. Good time to level up my Payback coin and see what’s new. :)

Skins are fun. Silenced weapons are basically useless with the lack of ammo. Why they felt like fixing what worked fine for over a decade is beyond me.

Finally made it! I am in Japan time zone but if anyone ever wants to play, add me on steam.

Operation Vanguard is live. Like previous ops, you pay for the access pass and get access to the new maps on ranked servers and the opportunity to unlock special cosmetics.

Along with the six community-made maps and skins, they’re changing how Arms Race works. Arms Race, one of the most popular modes because of its rapid TTK, used to work like the old “gun game” CS mod. You start with a powerful gun, once you kill someone, you progress to the next weaker gun in the order until you get down to the knife. Be the first person to kill someone with the knife and you win the round. The new version changes the rules so that progression happens after these actions instead:

Get 2 kills with your current weapon.
Kill the enemy team leader (unless YOU are a leader).
Kill an enemy with your standard knife.

Also, the devs are adding “campaigns” which are loosely strung together matches. Finishing missions results in a skin drop.

Thanks for the heads up Telefrog!

The old mission system was horrible for someone who didn’t enjoy every game type/gun. I loved the old Arms Race mode. Hope these are good changes, I’ll give it a try.


The Vanguard crates are already under a dollar on the market. Bah! We used to be able to sell those and get the operation cost back. Mission campaigns are also another microtransaction, with two more costing 3$ each.

Arms Race is more funny than fun right now. That glow you get for being leader is basically a wallhack for the other team…

Hopped into a death match game. First thing I heard was “Don’t kill me, I’m killing chickens!”. Apparently there’s a mission for that. :)

Le bump.

For the interested, this just started today. One of the bigger tournaments of the year so far and should be a fun watch.

While watching the group stages yesterday I noticed close to 500,000 viewers watching via the in-game GOTV client, with almost 300,000 on the main Twitch stream.

Wow. With the secondary streams and language specific ones, they were probably clearing a million viewers pretty easily. With the quarter finals today it’s almost scary to think it will probably be larger.

I’m super excited to see the game getting bigger all the time. I love it to pieces, and it is very fun to watch.

It’s beating the LOL ESL event just counting Twitch too. Only major DOTA2 events used to be able to do that.

The game just hit over 537,000 players online.

The last match with NiP vs TSM had over 600,000 viewers and was absolutely amazing.

Semi-finals today, finals tomorrow. Enjoy the show!

Finals were crazy. I was shaking during the last few rounds, I can’t even imagine how the players handle that kind of pressure. Grand final last map had over 1 million viewers on twitch and gotv combined.

I think it was more like ~1.8m for twitch + client viewers total. Pretty insane.

That was some of the finest damn Counter Strike ever seen.

I feel spoiled all to hell and I love it.

604,852 peak… I remember when Counter-Strike Beta hit 20,000 simultaneous users and how unbelievable that was. Cripes! It’s like we’re living in a whole nother century now!

I know there have been spikes of interest for the game on QT3. I generally work a weird schedule, but am usually on Tuesday nights and every other weekend. If anyone wants to pub crawl some CS, I’d be up for it.

I’m not a 20 year old with a Redbull IV in my arm, but I’ve played CS in general for over a decade and still tend to not embarrass myself. Also quite willing to give a crash course on basics in game if any of you are new to it.

We can also get a group together for matchmaking if there’s enough interest.

New Operation Bloodhound

Info: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive » The Hunter and the Hunted
Notes: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive » Release Notes for 5/26/2015

Possibly interesting part:

Also included in the Access Pass are two brand new campaigns: Marksman and Revolution… each campaign brings with it a unique story, exclusive co-op challenges, and plenty of opportunities to earn xp.

New pistol added to the game:

Players are bitching already.

Only because it completely breaks the game.

The latest patch nerfed it. I think everyone knew Valve was going to patch that thing.

On Tuesday we shipped some major gameplay changes in CS:GO including the R8 Revolver, and players have been voicing legitimate concerns over the balance of the weapon as shipped.

While it typically takes more time to generate enough data to drive an update (and gameplay updates are always a bit disruptive), in this case it’s clear that we got the damage wrong and can respond immediately.

So today we’re updating the R8 Revolver to bring its values to be more in line with other weapons: among other changes, its damage has been reduced and it takes slightly longer to fire.