Crackdown 3 - By whatever means necessary

The only faction-related objective I have left to complete are a couple radio towers I’m too lazy to climb, and what I assume will be the final boss.

I still haven’t touched any of the other agents, I’m guessing they’re just there so co-op partners have somebody to play as. No idea.

Right now my only max skill is punching, because punching is fun. Everything else (except driving) is just a little over 5.

I’ve located 82/250 secret orbs so far, and it’s pretty much the only thing that has raised my driving skill, which sits a little over 4. I would drive more if the special abilities button (like fire weapon) were mapped differently, but I’m too lazy to remap my Elite controller at the moment. I can say though, that mapping stick-presses to the paddles underneath is just about the greatest thing ever for jumping and air dash/dodging. I hate clicking the sticks, but this feels so natural.

As of right now I’m thoroughly enjoying my time with the game. I do wish there were some sort of progression system in place to encourage replaying the game over and over, like Diablo 3. I wouldn’t want it to affect the core game on my first play through, but it would be cool to give me something to aim for and get more use out of the world.