Crackdown 3 - By whatever means necessary

All right, I need to toot my own horn here - managed to get gold medals on all road races and that, believe me, is not easy. Nor is it terribly fun, to be totally honest with you, I just wanted to knock them out because of my completionist thing. By comparison, gold on all foot races was piss easy. Only a couple of those took me more than one attempt, and the road races all took me several attempts. But I’m close to wrapping this one up, and I’m really happy with how much fun this game ended up being overall.

Only one thing really bugs me - on the agent select screen, all the agents have these cool black uniforms, and I kind of hoped that when I maxed out my skills that this would be available to me. But no, it’s just the same you get when you hit level 5. Kind of bums me out.