Creative zen xtra and musicmatch

After playing for a few days I have come to the conclusion I hate the creative software. The only player I’ve seen that has the autodj feature is musicmatch, which says it will work with portable devices. Has anyone tried this feature? Or is there any other recommendations for a program that will generate playlists with the ease that auto dj does.

Remember how I said that the Red Chair Software doesn’t appear to have an equivalent AutoDJ feature? I lied - you can create something equivalent called a “Morphlist”. Basically, it creates a random playlist that can be built upon any condition, including the “not longer than x minutes” feature that you were looking for. If you want to change the tracks, you just refresh it. It’s pretty neat, actually… if you were holding off buying their Zen software, you really ought to just go ahead with it now. Red Chair rocks.

Just to show you how easy it is, all I did here (in Audigen, which is the PC based version of their Zen software… the execution will be the same) was open Windows Explorer, click “Playlists”, click “Create New Morphlist”, specified the criteria, then click “OK”. Playlist generated.

that’s exactly what I wanted, thank you.