Creepy babies love Founders Breakfast Stout. But what do Qt3 Movie Podcasters think?

Do you do wine or spirits, Malkav?

No to wine (I did say in my post). I’ve never tried anything harder but I am fairly sure it’s the alcohol taste in wine and beer I don’t care for so I’ve seen no reason to think I’d like something that has more alcohol in it.

Probably, if its the alcohol taste. It may be the wine or beer taste, simply. Beer is really a complicated beast, taste-wise, actually. I missed the wine part up there…

More Dingus!

All right, I am the slowest guy to catch up on things, but I said I’d watch it and I did. Finally.

Anyway, I have nothing to say about this particular stout, or any particular stout, because it’s not my thing. I’ll drink one if someone puts it in my hand or if I’m in Ireland because damned if I could find a beer that wasn’t a stout in Ireland. But all right Dingus, another connoisseur of the IPA. It gets a lot of grief these days for being overplayed and yeah, over-bittered, but it’s grown on me. I guess moving to the Pacific Northwest, you’ve got to adapt or die. Or at least dry up, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to do that.

Fun beer stories too, made me think back to my misbegotten youth. First time I had a sip of beer was, oddly enough, in southern California. My grandfather took all his grandkids on a camping tour of the southwest, and we drove from Louisiana to SoCal every summer. It was awesome. But I have this weird nightmarish memory of this occasion. Not from the beer, which wasn’t memorable at all except I hated the taste, but a friend of my grandfather’s took us to this viaduct system that washed water down through these canals that would eventually go through these tunnels and end up … somewhere? And I remember they had to pull us out before the tunnels because maybe we’d drown? Man, it’s so far back and hazy, but it was a weird time.

Second beer, or first real beer I guess I’d say, I remember distinctly. My dad bought it for me on my 18th birthday. Now before you tut-tut me, this was Louisiana and the drinking age at the time was 18. They since raised it but had the courtesy to wait until I turned 21 to do so. Felt like I had joined the club.

But hey, fun review session, and good to see folks pulled in, especially Dingus! I haven’t listened to the movie podcast in forever because it’s just hard to squeeze it in these days, but good to see you guys are still doing your thing. Keep on truckin’.

I finally got to watch this. @tomchick knows what’s up, re: beer. I don’t know how often we might agree on games, but beer is no bueno :-D

Just wait for our video review of dark meat.


Ah yes, you’re referring to the Devil’s Portion!