Crusader Kings 3 - Downton Abbey for the 12th Century

I agree, but I think CK2 tried to do this by offering actual goals in game based on what you are, once you could select like creating various kingdoms although it wasn’t that easy to know if you could do that and it was wholly historical and not based on the fact that the map hadn’t been historical since the first ten years of playing.

I understand there is a huge historical following here but it seems, sometimes, constrained by that. If you altered history from say the vikings, then why do the kingdoms have to be formed in the same way at all?

Yeah, I always wondered why there wasn’t a more flexible mechanism for forming a duchy or kingdom, like having contiguous borders, promoting a sense of national identity, having a certain population and economic power, having a certain number of vassals of the appropriate level, etc. I guess the problem there would be determining which counties or duchies that aren’t under your control become part of the new duchy/kingdom.

But while forming a kingdom provides a somewhat-concrete goal to strive for, it isn’t the only kind of the goal the game supports, and it isn’t necessarily that compelling in all circumstances (sometimes it’s too far away, sometimes it’s too difficult to manage once you’re there, etc.). A lot of the other stuff is really hard to figure out - can I make my own religion or national identity? Can I breed a dynasty of super-humans? Can I become the dominant trading center in the Mediterranean? Can I become pope? Why would I marry a horse? And the sub-goals are hard too. Ok, so I’m the Duke of Burgundy… can I become independent? Can I overthrow the king of France? Become the king of England or a Holy Roman Elector? How do I do that if so? It basically requires a bunch of noodling in the interface, watching let’s plays, and then watching tutorials to even have a sense of what you can be trying to do. Which, I mean, it’s awesome that there is so much you can be trying to do, but you need an on-ramp and the standard “conquer Ireland” isn’t that great.

Ambitions, that is what I was trying to think of, ambitions trying to help guide the way helped a little.

I had one count who became king who become exceedingly pious, participated in crusades and everything. It was pretty awesome. Maintaining that reputation wound up being a goal itself. His heir, sadly, was quite unexciting in comparison.

More ways to build a story is a plus. I’d like them to reconsider how they form kingdoms, duchies, like if the world doesn’t look anything like it was historically, let’s figure out a way to form new kingdoms! If the historical players are that concerned about it, maybe they can pick a starting period that is closer to the reality of when things are formed to get it to look more… real? I don’t know. I just think when things go way different in the earlier years, it’s weird to try and keep that historical accuracy map stuff.

Forming a duchy would be hard with the engine, and probably hard to balance. You can form a kindgom out of three duchies though, with the [something] DLC, at a pretty hefty cost. It isn’t organic, but I don’t know how that could happen.

  1. Declare an independence war, it’s right there on the interaction menu :P
  2. create/join a faction to oust him [some DLC required]
  3. get a claim, declare war
    3.5) have a duchy in the HRE, if they’re still elective.

I agree, though, it’s not clear what you can do or how, or that, sometimes, it feels gamey. But I don’t have many ideas on how to improve on it, hopefully they do.

Yes, it’s literally two basic Latin words, the noun God and the verb to will. Latin of course was used by most literate people in the middle ages. Everything involving the Church was in Latin.

First dev diary on family/dynasty/cadet mechanics

Can’t wait til they get into genetics. I want to have a freak king with 9 Y chromosomes LOL.

Looking good!

the entirety of Tibet will be present, unlike CK2 where the most eastern parts were excluded

What the hell map projection are they using that this is possible while leaving (western) China offmap. The CK2 map was already ~100 miles off of the ancient capital of (modern) Xian

avoiding weird splits where a single barony goes independent or to another realm

This was always a pain when it happened in CK2, and it also impacts various stuff that required holding the entirety of a kingdom or whatever. Although slightly hilarious in thought when two big blobs start a war over a misplaced barony, though very annoying in practice.

Best part about it though is if you were at war with one of those blobs, kind of got you out of it. It’s not so much fun though when you’re one of the blobs trying to get the dang thing back.

avoiding weird splits where a single barony goes independent or to another realm

On a separate note - this means republics as they worked in CK2 are impossible in CK3 (they hold random baronies all over the place in different larger realms).

War, let’s have some.

Also included for the first time in CK, supplies.

Ooo, nice, that sounds like the new Imperator supply system. I think it fits this level of abstraction really well.

County development.

Schemes, secrets and hooks. Oh my…

I love the sound of these three systems… I also like that the character portraits have different poses, never noticed that before.

This really sounds like a great improvement in terms of clarity for doing a lot of the interpersonal stuff that makes the game so awesome.

It seems like they could allow plotters to know the secret about each other, but not use it as a hook, though I suppose as an abstraction you can just assume the secrets shown are the usable ones not literally every secret the person knows.

It’s becoming clear I am going to be so horrifically bad at this game all 500 hours I’ll undoubtedly spend on it.

A later dev qoute

characters can also carry recessive traits… those are not visible, but can be inherited by their offspring!