Crusader Kings 3 - Downton Abbey for the 12th Century

The game itself tells you you can’t actually win, so just roll with it.

OK, here I go again. Reinstalling CK3 and adding the new DLC. What is the current best tutorial to get you up and running and kinda sorta knowing what you’re doing in this game?

The one in the game is pretty superb, I think.

Am I the only one experiencing instability in this game? Even after checking through all drivers, etc., I’m finding it really bad. Incredibly annoying really.

Between playing as Norse (no court) and the constant crashes, I’ve yet to see anything from Royal Court other than crashes. Ugh.

Huh I already have RC. I forgot I bought the special launch edition. Nice!

Wait, even though the Norse don’t have their own set of court graphics, I assumed that they would still have a generic looking court? You have to be king or emperor-tier to have one.

You should be noticing the item and inventory system no matter what your tier is.

Regarding crashes, I have seen a fair few people have that problem. I don’t myself, so if you can’t find a workaround in the paradox forums you’ll have to wait for the hotfix.

With the faces problems persisting for another day, looks like this is yet another bungled release by Paradox with bad QA.

That’s kinda lame, considering they are the only paid culture pack. Are they planning to add that? I did not read the patch notes.

No word, yes it is bizarre to me as well. I don’t often agree with the ‘this DLC is way overpriced’ people, but this one is $30 so it seems like a strange oversight. People who bought Northern Lords would already feel like the Norse are behind.

To be clear, my impressions thus far are that the royal court and inventory/artifact/culture systems are great additions to an already great game. It’s all the other stuff that Paradox screw up.

Having recently watched The Green Knight and The Last Duel, this has been on my mind to fire up again. I dabbled with it right after launch, but it didn’t grab me then the same way that CK2 had. Maybe I’ll have better luck this time.

Right? Dune, too, for me. Not for the specifics of the setting so much as the “awesome young prince and his kingdom of cool characters get totally jacked by an evil rival family” vibe. If it weren’t for Old World, I probably would have been pulled back into CK as well.


The 1066 start date only has one realm with Norse culture, Iceland and it’s not a kingdom. In 867 there are very few European realms that start with a court. All of the pagans are tribal, so they don’t get a royal court until they create a kingdom and go feudal. (I started a game as Brittany for that very reason as I usually play a Baltic tribe for some reason. Haven’t really played yet aside from creating a custom ruler and looking for a spouse, but so far I’ve not run into the portrait issue while doing that.)

Outside of crafting some personal artifacts I hadn’t really hit any of the Royal Court stuff(although the culture stuff is ever present but not hugely engaged with) since I did the 867 start as the Count of Genoa. I just finally worked my way up to seizing the Kingdom of Italy title(via holy war after the kingdom went Cathar) and unlocking the court. Decorated it with the items I seized in my war and increased the amenities before shutting the game down. I intend to actually hold court next time I start it up.

Nope - no court, not until you become feudal. Only Feudal and Clan cultures have the Royal Court (and then only at King and above). So until you turn Feudal (which isn’t something you necessarily want to rush, there is no court).

I guess they didn’t want the expenditure of different looks for different tribals or something. Though that doesn’t explain why they limited it to King and above only.

Honestly, I find it a rather weird DLC so far - for the vast majority of “starting positions” in the game, the DLC provides very little value (basically, artifacts providing miniscule modifiers - everything else it adds would be out of reach). I’m too jaded to be pissed off about things like this, but if I were the choleric kind, I’m not sure I’d be entirely satisfied with this DLC at this cost.

I’d argue it adds a lot for everyone, but it’s not quite as in your face as changes for kings and emperors. Additional interactions with your liege make it much, much more viable to play a dynasty of powerful dukes. You have all of the power and none of the responsibility. You have bonuses from being on the council, you can modify your feudal contract to owe nothing to the crown, and you can spend a little prestige to tell your liege to spend money on you, help you convert newly conquered lands etc.

So if I were looking to play a relatively quiet campaign with minimal war, who are some good starting characters to look at?

  1. I mess up. Not as in I pick the wrong war tactically. No, my arthritis is now so bad I click the WRONG WAR ICON.
  2. There is an ugly character bug, which they know about but launched with. By ugly I mean eyes so squinty they are never open with lashes clipping, eyes so open they look like they are coked up and on meth. Many women hairstyles where the forehead clips through giving you an odd female pattern baldness effect. Too immersion breaking. One of the appearance mods supposedly fixes it.
  3. Other bugs; it’s Paradox.

Which if I am seriously going for a cheevo, and don’t trust my hands, I do this anyway. And I usually do play in Ironman.

So, yeah. I’d love something, that reenables chevos w/mods after this expack. Cities Skylines eventually had mods that would.

I’m still trying to get past the Rodney Dangerfield eye problem and run some longer games. The cultural changes seem more nuanced, and I’m not sure i have a feel for them yet. But they did fix Akan!

The throne room seems underwhelming visually, and with it not being available at Duke level or for Tribals. I tend to start slow. But there may be game balance issues for that being a good call, at least on Tribal. Duke I’m not so sure. I think the gameplay effects, like with the culture changes, may be stronger than they appear.

I suspect early game play may be more strategic than before overall. Just have to get past the launch bugs and graphical oddities to see. I was hoping for more events. Eventually what gets me with this game is the 5th of the same event firing seemingly in a row.

I like to pick a random character until I get a low level duke, or even a guy with two duchies but no dukedom. They must be under a liege.

I just avoid the biggies, like Byzantium, England if the date has the scripted events about to fire. The starting date matters on the geographical choice to avoid the events that start scripted wars.

I ended up settling on Petty King Murchad in Ireland last night. I was feeling a bit dissatisfied as he’s the one I’d gone with before, but he also ticks most of the boxes I’m looking for. Don’t know if I’ll stick with him though.

I can’t believe I forgot how to play so much of this game. Thought I’d be able to jump right back in where I left off 1.5 years ago.

Yep, that’s pretty much how I felt when I fired it up again. It’s easier than CK2, but still requires some reacquaintance.