Crusader Kings 3 - Downton Abbey for the 12th Century

You can also ask nicely.

If you’re someone’s de jure sovereign they’re likely to accept vassalization, especially if they’re count. Early in the game realms splinter into small entities quite often. There’s a diplomacy perk that makes vassalization offers work better but you can go even without it.

OK I’m kinda sick so my brain isn’t working, but I’m still trying to play this. I see a lot of options for learning foreign languages including tree options. I don’t understand what learning a bunch of foreign languages does for you. I’m a bit daft in that I don’t even see the benefit of learning just one foreign language.

Why is it so important?

It gives you diplomacy benefits when dealing with other people who speak the language, and I think can lead to friendships developing.

It’s a new feature. Paradox often gives new features disproportional UI importance.

In addition to diplomacy and friendships, if you’re a small kingdom or clan, adopting a more wide spread language for your court increases its grandeur (court grandeur gives a host of bonuses.) It also helps with cultural acceptance.

I finally formed a kingdom! The game defaulted to the Kingdom of East Seaxe, which I thought was a bit clunky so I thought England might be a bit more catchy. Except that bastard in Mercia had the same idea and we now have two Englands. Sooo… do I go back to East Seaxe? Or go with England II, or Famous Ray’s Original England?

Brittania, Heptarchy Anglonium

So I’m thinking, why is it called England? (More specifically, what’s an Eng?)


Land of the Angles. Hmm.

I got nothing.

Forming new kingdoms is tricky! Cause the old ones in this territory still exist de jure, even if no one has the title or a claim. Some succession laws can create new titles, so when you grow big enough so that’s possible to create the kingdom of England and you have 2 heirs then one of them will inherit your custom kingdom title, and the other will become a new king of England. Or when you become an Empire of Britania your big vassal will be able able to create the title of king of England and you’ll have a high density of king vassals.

Good news everyone - the characters should no longer squint like they are staring directly into the sun!

# Art

  • Tweaked and improved the appearance of the areas around characters’ eyes.
  • Updated DNA of historical characters to fix problems with the eyes.


# Localization

  • Fixed missing text and tooltips for Cultural Traditions and Cultural Aesthetics in Spanish.
  • Fixed Missing translations for Grandeur bar tooltip in Korean and Russian
  • Fixed instances of texts not having translations in Korean.
  • Removed instances of visible debug text.


# Bugfixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from unpausing the game while petitioning their liege.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player character to appear at their own court instead of their liege’s court when picking the “Petition Liege” option.
  • Fixed an issue with the event for the murder scheme to steal an artifact.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a soft-lock if the player character died during a court event.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from interacting with the UI to adopt a court language.

Is Culture tied to language? I can’t seem to find something that specifically states what language my unruly citizens use in the Eastern part of my kingdom.

Let’s see who the customers prefer.

Language is in the culture screen. Several cultures can share a language. Really it’s rather language family.

Except instead of breakfasts it is Englands, heh.

They even copied my logo! Got a real McDonald’s/McDowell’s situation going on here.


I can’t tell if Deye Kante is male or female. Am I missing something? Where does it display it?

Finally figured out how to get the game stable; involved uninstalling the game completely, erasing all game-related directories, re-installing from scratch, fixing firewall rules, and shutting down as much communication out as possible. Ugh.

Game is crazy as ever, but that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?

This was my Valdemar the Munchkin a year before his death. By which time he had conquered all of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, England, Scotland, and Ireland, been crowned Sea King, reformed the Norse religion, and founded a dynasty of some 70-odd people. First time I’ve played ironman in this game, and this is probably the most insane start I’ve ever had.

And yes, that is the Papal Crown on his head; it’s now part of the North Seas regalia (captured on my first raid on Rome). +1 prestige/month was a bit too much to say no to, even if I think it looks silly.

You need to hover the mouse over the sex orientation symbol.

Goat Seaxe