Cuteness Thread

Isn’t that Rowlf the Dog as a puppy?

What’s cuter than a pen full of napping panda babies?

ohmygod that monkey is about to eat that baby

Via Cute Overload: Kittens accidentally turning on a vacuum. I laughed so hard.

Fun, but its pretty clear it was staged as one of the comments notes. The closest kitten is going after the cord because the person behind the camera is moving it while getting ready to plug the vacuum in.

Just in time for Halloween!

That dog is definitely thinking fuck Star Wars.

Hollywood needs to dress up a bunch of dobermans in that outfit and remake The Doberman Gang.

That’s not cute. That’s torture.

Sweet Holy Jesus.

Reminds me of this :

Owls are so badass.

Yeah. I want an owl.

Awesome. I love the pictures of him bringing dead rodents to the guy’s wife.

Search your feelings; you know it to be cute!