Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

I mean,

IF $newconsole THEN enableMinimapScale
ELSE eatAdick

Also, a 34GB update? I have a very fast connection and no bandwidth limit so I don’t actually care, but do they not do delta patches or what?

Well, I mean they had to replace all those dildos with something.

That free DLC sounds pretty amazing.

The 1.3 patch delivers the following free DLCs:

  • Johnny Silverhand’s Alternative Appearance – can be enabled in Settings in the “Additional Content” tab.
  • Multilayered Syn-Leather Deltajock Jacket, Luminescent Punk Jacket - both available in the stash in V’s apartment after receiving a message from Viktor after completing The Ride. They’re of Rare/Iconic quality by default, Crafting Specs to craft a higher quality will also be unlocked.
  • Archer Quartz “Bandit” - available as a reward or for purchase (depending on choices made by player) after completing Ghost Town and then receiving a message from Dakota or Rogue. If you haven’t received the message, make sure to be in the Badlands area and move further away from Dakota’s workshop. Dakota will also need a couple of days to contact you.

Greetings! Another master of sarkasmós!

These patch notes look awesome. I found this buried in there:

A new type of dialogue response is now available in conversations; Sarkasmos, represented by a new purple icon. While this type has no impact on the story, it does help the player not notice his junk is still coming out of his pants.

Downloading now, hope they fixed that bug :)

What’s the point of the new jackets since you can’t see your V wearing them?

Is that a sex reference? You filthzoid!

Yeah, no third-person view bites. The teasers and stuff made it look like there’d be some, IIRC. Or were those just supposed to be cutscenes?

You can get a third-person view by getting on a motorcycle and selecting that option while driving.

Originally, CDPR planned to go into third-person for cutscenes, but that was scrapped.

If you use a bike then you’ll see your character in third person a little bit. But then you can’t use the new car, so it seems they thought of everything!!!

Oh, right. I seem to remember it’s because they got flak for too many “male gaze” shots of female V’s butt or something.

When will the males stop gazing??

When our testosterone starts dropping.

I don’t know, man. My dad definitely had his preferred hospice nurse.

That was the reason, right? I mean, were they as shameless as the cutscenes at the beginning of ME 2, with Miranda in a catsuit? I think I only saw them once (the Cyberpunk ones, that is).

There may have been complaints, but I think they were just normal Twitter noise. I believe the real reason was they just realized it was going to be too hard to do and would result in goofy camera angles and broken player animations considering how small some of the environments are where scenes take place.

I honestly think it was for immersion.

Because it’s not the case that the cutscenes are all first person. There’s one (and I think only one) circumstance where it switches to third person: all the endings, and the switch happens the moment you make the last input and no longer have control of the character. It seems very intentional, and being pulled out like that after 50 hours of immersion made for a pretty striking effect.

Meh. Give me a Blood and Wine level DLC for free and we can start talking about me ever giving these people another cent of my money. I didn’t even find Cyberpunk to be an egregiously bad game, what was egregious was how much they lied about what it was going to be.

Who even cares about bug patches at this point? Didn’t we all uninstall this ages ago? I’ve only got 2 tb of SSD space and I know I’m in the minority to even have that, and even I can’t be bothered to clog it up with mediocrity.

Eh, I might be interested to give this game a second playthrough once it becomes a game instead of a gallery of fascinating bugs.

Do people still call you during important story conversations forcing you to have two conversations at the same time? Do cars still have no pathfinding? Does a quarter of all skills still don’t work? Is it still balanced in such a way that my pure melee-focused dude is most effective when weilding a common sniper rifle? If I’ll go to that taxi mission will I be able to tell which “AI glitch” behavior is a glitch and which is your usual honest bug? Does animation still break during fully controlled isolated cutscenes where nothing interferes with characters? If all of this isn’t fixed they can add the greatest content on Earth and it would still be bad.

Both of these are specifically addressed in the patch notes. The others, doesn’t seem like it, but they do claim to have made balancing changes.