D3 is 2D?

The job description on the site is pretty clear -

The 2D artist contributes to the design and creation of a game’s interface and all related 2D artwork. Additionally, the 2D artist will be called upon to texture 3D assets when needed.
So I think it’s pretty obvious this job is a texture artist position, and it definitely sounds like a 3d game.

That’s because I’m an idiot and meant to type “3D artists.”

The point is: the Diablo meme doesn’t need to be 3D. D2 works just fine the way it is. I don’t see any point in being able to, or HAVING to, rotate the camera like an idiot in one of Diablo’s hyper-melees. To hell with that.

And Darkstone wasn’t that hot.


3D adds a lot of GOOD eye candy and makes things a lot easier in general for the developers.

I’d say there’s no question at all that Diablo 3 will be 3d. It would be crazy for it not to be.

3-D w/o stupid camera-control issues = 2-D

I don’t see the problem here.

  • Alan

No kidding. Who cares about being able to rotate/zoom the camera? I only did so while playing the PS2 Diablo clones because they (tragically, IMO) did not give you the option of dithering your character/enemies/loot that might wind up placed behind a barrier of some kind due to your camera placement, thus rotating became a necessity.

Diablo 2 “works fine” but it’s ass-ugly. So why object to making it look far better while keeping the game intact?

Ajaarg! Setting the standards for permaban on Gone Gold… glad to finally learn your story.

btw, you fucking suck. :lol:

For starters, drastically better animation - in the same memory footprint, you can easily store dozens more animations in 3D than in 2D.

Weather effects would be easier and higher quality.

It doesn’t take much imagination to concieve of how much more dynamic, detailed, and awe-inspiring magic would be with true dynamic lighting and a powerful 3D particle system…

The other big part of Diablo - making your character look cool and unique by outfitting yourself with nifty times - would be a lot cooler in 3D. The camera could zoom down low when you go to a shop and you could get a much more detailed look at how that new armor/helm/weapon/boots/belt makes you look. Maybe that’s not “gameplay” but a whole lot of players pride themselves on looking cool and unique in that game.

Oh, and 2D art could be for lots of things. Interface elements, concept art, instruction manuals, web art…

Haha that link was great. What were we talking about, again?

The fact that you guys don’t really have anything better to do than drag up flamewars from over two years ago really speaks to why I found better ways to spend my time.

Also, jesus guys, it wasn’t worth remembering for two years. Grow some thicker skin.

This Ajaarg fellow has also shown his true colors in this forum as well (in another thread about a game I don’t think he even played, he accused me of not being qualified to review my own dingleberries).

I’d advise ignoring him and maybe he’ll go away.


The fact that you guys don’t really have anything better to do than drag up flamewars from over two years ago really speaks to why I found better ways to spend my time.

Also, jesus guys, it wasn’t worth remembering for two years. Grow some thicker skin.[/quote]

Actually, Ajaarg, you didn’t find a better way to spend your time–you were banned from the GG boards. And good riddance to bad rubbish, I might add–if you insulted my wife or sister or child like that they would be scraping you off the floor. You should consider yourself lucky the person you insulted in that incident didn’t do the same.

I am replaying Diablo 2 right now (with my wife…her first time to play it). I have to agree that the game, by today’s standards, is pretty ugly. In fact, even at the time it didn’t look great. I am, however, concerned with moving it to 3D. Camera control, swivel, etc. is great but can be a real hassle in the middle of battles. The problem is that once it is implemented the developers tend not to take that into account and therefore design levels so that you almost have to rotate, even during fights, even if you don’t want to.

It can also cause some (probably minor) problems in multiplay, mainly from directions and such. that’s not a big deal. On a console, however, it IS a big deal, as those who have played Champions of Norrath can attest. When you can’t swivel the camera, without affecting the other person’s game, that’s a pain in the ass.

don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against 3d per se. I just don’t see it as a necessary move.

The fact that you guys don’t really have anything better to do than drag up flamewars from over two years ago really speaks to why I found better ways to spend my time.

Also, jesus guys, it wasn’t worth remembering for two years. Grow some thicker skin.[/quote]

Wow, being a history geek with a non-used degree how’d I miss that thread originally.

“porcine”… :lol: should’ve thrown in, harlot, harridan, shrew, and whore while you’re at it such as: You contemptible harlot, porcine shrew! Panache should be used my good fellow when rebutting revisionists who are foolishly debating the middle ages as if they were the dark ages, not coarse foul insulting language questioning his wife’s status as a fish monger’s daughter.

Lol, when I saw the thread’s title, I thought D3 was Doom 3. That would have been intresting…

You should really watch your acronyms, this is absolutely going out of hand. I read this thread expecting ramblings about Doom 3 in 2D.

I thought it was going to be about plain old D3. You know, the tentacle rape game or whatever.

So with texture art, web design, or manual art needed does that mean we will be hearing an announcement soon?

Maybe they’re just sitting on it so that the fanboys don’t lose any enthusiaum over WOW.

I agree, but Blizzard has shown that it understands these problems–in both WC3 and WoW it allows the player to rotate the camera but automatically snaps it back to the default position as soon as the toggle button is released. And they’ve designed both so that it’s really unnecessary to swing the camera around.

Do we even know if it is infact Diablo 3?

I think making Descent 3 a 2D game is a big step back for the series- I mean, the game is already out, why bring it back to 2D sprites?