DAOC 2? "Camelot Unchained" Announced

I enjoyed it also, and never even got to the highest levels before burnout set in. I was it was a F2P game still out. I guess it was so broken at the top levels there was no fixing it.

There’s a private server up that I know has people playing.


But I have no idea what the legal ramifications are, ie/ is it going to get hit with a cease and desist tomorrow?

Seems active-ish at the moment, with 800 people on right now. I may have to download it and see how it feels. If they have active players, the skirmish modes could be fun to replay.

Oh, I remember Imperator. We used to laugh openly in DAOC chat, even while the game was still in development, about the absurd awfulness of “PVE Romans in space” as an MMO.

Don’t get me wrong, I was in WAR from the beta onward. But they promised three functioning capitals and only ever did one. They promised massive RvR, but fighting around fortresses was so laggy they had to cut them from the game. WAR never lived up to the hype so I’m very leery of another Jacobs game.

Tell us about it if you jump. 986 on at the moment. That’s a good number.

I haven’t jumped in. Downloading the client seems a little unorthodox and has me concerned for spyware/trojans/Russina bot action. Likely nothing of the sort, but my comfort threshold was reached.

The client automatically installs Kaspersky virus protection software, so I’m sure it’ll be fine.

News yesterday on the citystate games twitch channel. Feature lock targetted by June 12. Beta to start July 4th. Very long document about the game and the beta here: http://camelotunchained.com/v3/beta-1/

Seems like the beta will be more like a beta and less like an early access. Go figure. Still, start of beta is promising.

Know it is kinda lame, especially at 244 pixels, but I always liked this video:

Camelot Unchained has been in development for 7 years. The devs just announced they have been working on another game, in parallel. The reception is about what you expect.

Summary article:


Source article:


I backed this … 7 year ago. I have been checking on it a few times per year. It doesn’t seem to be anywhere near release.

I wouldn’t have expected Mark Jacobs to pull that. I don’t know the guy, but I’ve been playing his games since they were text-based MUD’s on GEnie. I think he’s a fantastic designer, and I still hold out hope that CU will appear in a form we’ll recognize as a successor to DAOC.

But I am glad I didn’t make any real financial or emotional investment in this.

About the time JamesGoblin stopped posting about it in this thread (which was more than 3 years ago now!) I figured this thing was dead. Sadly, not that I expected different. Crowdfunding an MMO just seems like a mountain too tall to climb.

Ah, there was a couple interesting moments in the meantime - I just didn’t want to spam the thread. It’s not because I lost my faith :)

Weird. I just yesterday surfed over to the CU site to see what news there was and read the end of year update from Jacobs. The posting discussed a lot of tech stuff that’s new in CU, and I wonder if much of it came from the new project, like is alluded in the links the OP has. I had pretty much forgotten about CU anyhow, so if it comes out I’ll be pleasantly surprised and if it doesn’t, I will probably have forgotten about it again.

I understand why backers would be pissed but I can understand the position City State is probably in. If he’s being honest about how much of it is shared code, I think the move can make sense. The Kickstarter raised $2.2M seven years ago, which it’s obviously all long gone. They can create a smaller project that they can get out there, raise additional funds from investors, and hopefully see a little bit of revenue from Colossus while sharing development of the server backend, animation systems, etc. between the two projects.

It’s certainly not a good look for CU as I think it’s an indication that they need to make this sort of move for more money, but given the game has been in development for seven years that really wasn’t a surprise to me.

While I can understand while backers might be pissed because they were rightfully expecting a big CU update, Jacobs mentions in the video that they will continue to offer refunds to any backer if they are unhappy about this move.

Excytyng nyws!

Darkness Falls when?!

Super-broken Resists

I have a dim memory of sitting down with Mark Jacobs and discussing post-DAOC plans. I think it was Imperator maybe, the Romans vs. Mayans space MMO whatchamacallit that died a-borning. He was a sort of intimidating sort of dude, in the cold C-suite of a high-powered but low-morals law firm sort of way.

I see what you did there.

Yeah, the follow-up was going to be Imperator – they even showed some early alpha footage or stills at one point – and I am imagining that as a studio they one day had this Gob Bluth “I’ve made a terrible mistake” moment when they realized that what they were actually pitching was PVE Romans in space, and what a terrible idea for an MMO that was.