Dark Souls - Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor

I will gladly play it again alongside you when you get around to it. And I’m sure I’m not the only one. It’s a tough call, and I’m not sure how Demon’s Souls will stack up, but if pressed, I’d probably pick BB as my favorite…it ticks a lot of boxes for me personally, and besides Sekiro, feels the most distinct re: combat.

I’m still making my way through Bloodborne. You’ll catch up with me in no time. And hopefully we can finish together. I don’t have PS+ though, so no messages or multiplayer for me.

Ugh, Crystal Cave. I feel like the first half of this game was me going, “wow, X,” and the second half has just been a string of, “ugh, X”.

Crystal Cave is mercifully a very small area. It’s kind of inventive once you get the hang of it.

I mean, everything has been inventive! That is not the same thing for me as fun. Oh look, I have no idea yet how to navigate this area with tiny, occasionally slippery and/or barely visible pathways, and another hulking enemy is pressuring me and whoops I totally blocked that attack but it shoved me just a hair too far and now I’ve fallen and have to run all the way back again.

I had to look up what you guys are talking about.

This area? I don’t remember having many problems here. I thought it was really neat. Of course, I do wonder what this area would have been like without all the helpful messages from other players showing you where the invisible walkways are.

I’m assuming the messages still show you those in the Remastered version?

Yes, and there are some little snowflakes or whatever falling from the sky that also show you. I’ve just been shoved off the edge by golems twice now and I’m pretty salty about it.

On my last replay I just avoided the golems whenever possible. Not worth the risk of falling for whatever scraps you might pick up. Was happy to move quickly through that spot!

Yeah. Avoiding them in such tight spaces is quite tough, though, when you haven’t been through yet and don’t know where exactly to go.

Yep, first or second time through any SoulsBorne area is always rough but you’re just paving the way for your future self to enjoy an easier time on a future replay! :D

I’m not sure I agree. I think most places in these games reward being careful. It’s the ones that reward throwing that out the window (Crystal Cave [to a lesser extent], Tomb of Giants, Ringed City) that are annoying.

Oh right! I remember that now.

But keep in mind,

That launch might not be the best time for a playthrough. You thought the DS3 thread was all over the place in our replay, you should see these threads at launch. Actually you did, remember Sekiro? You have some people saying they’re done 3 days after launch, while another is saying their frame rate isn’t good for some reason, while another is saying it’s so hard they don’t know what they’re doing wrong. At least on the replay, if you can organize it, most technical issues have already been resolved, and there’s a lot of questions that veterans already know the answers to, and can help you out if you need the help.

So maybe … amend to: The Elden Ring thread will be epic after the first big sale after release.

Bloodborne had minute+ long load times at launch. In a game where most of us die like a dozen times an hour. It was still great though.

Glad I missed that. The only thing that kinda blows ass about Bloodborne now is no stat reallocation possible. I changed my build almost entirely at the very end of DS3. No regrets, really, either at how I went through most of the game or how I ended it.

Actually I take that back, I do have a regret. When I was Pure Strength I gobbled a bunch of boss souls because the weapons they gave had dex reqs and at the end I wished I could make those.

I have that and really need to play it.

Also, thanks for your kind words. Dark Souls is strangely a game that is best played shared. I think that is actually part of the genius of FROM’s design. You end up going to the DS community to find out certain things.

Yea, you have to watch the snowflakes and hope someone has left messages to help. Those seem to have a time limit or something because they do come and go. You can also shoot arrows ahead of you to show you the way. Once you know where the golems are you can find ways to avoid them.

Once you get to the other side there are things to farm for crafting materials. Makes you want to return to the area.

I totally agree. It’s also the coolest community I’ve been apart of, on these forums and in the larger world of the internet.

Yeah, I love co-oping…but it does kinda feel like cheating.

For the shame!

Let me sing you the song of @Scott_Dobros ! The explorer, the adventurer. The man who single handedly lifted this board with his Dark Souls exploits.

His reports were read avidly day after day… and when he stopped at Dark Souls 2 after daily exultation a great hue and cry went out. What happened? Where did he go? Why oh why :(

And the board recovered. The likes of @krayzkrok and @Kolbex and @Rock8man and all the others too hallowed to be named filled that void, preventing the great rift.

Dark Souls lives on.