Darkwind: Turn based Car Wars + Physics!

I was wondering the same thing after signing up this moring, then I found the emails in my spam folder (on a yahoo email account).

hmmm…I have checked my spam folder…and nothing at all. The game sounds like a blast, but I cannot get into it without knowing what my password is.

Why don’t they let me make my own password when I created the account?

I went back and tried to make a new account, and…I can’t because that account name has been used. Well, of course it has, I did it. But I cannot get in.

strange…got the email through my live.com account, but still NOTHING through my regular email.

Tip: The guys you get at the start probably suck, so get some new ones pronto. If you recruit someone new and pick their specialty, you typically get 20 in the desired skill (e.g. Driving, Guns, or Large Guns).

Christ, how many post-apocalyptic turn-based racing games can they make? Enough already! When is a WWII game ever going to be released?

I wish I had been the first to say this, but credit goes to a poster named Suitably Ironic Moniker over at OO :)

A similar thread to this one went up there in 2007, and generated some brief interest. I tried it out myself, and discovered that physics is significantly better than me.

trying to get a handle on how the game works and all.

Set up an event…simple 3-lap race. Tried to start it up and play it, game client crashed. When I got logged back in, it said my event I created ended.


Not sure how to do this stuff. I tried making my own event because the other events, well, I probably would have gotten DESTROYED.

Just jump in the already created events. There aren’t that many people playing, and even if there are they’re friendly – in Death Races just ask for a truce if you feel uncomfortable, in Combat you’ll be on the same side anyway. They AI players are pretty aggressive, and so will always take the brunt of the action if you let them.

I wouldn’t even bother with custom events until you’ve played enough to know what the different tracks are like. The main point is to pick a track, and perhaps a car/gun you never tried, like Lasers or something.

It’s only really dangerous outside of town, where you could easily be out numbered, and your foes will definitely come after you. I’d take a rental and leave your favorite characters behind, at least until you get the hang of it.

I’ve never had any crashes, so I don’t know what to say about that.

Didn’t work for me. I clicked the .jar file like the readme said to, logged in with my username and password, but all I got was music with no window of the game. I had to use the task manager to kill it to stop the music.

No idea. I didn’t have to mess with any .jar files, nor can I even find any. I just downloaded the self extracting .exe, and ran it.

Had my first race…and my driver died. Ran into a crashed car going about 110 mph…severe concussion, shattered left arm, then…died by way of no more blood left to bleed.

Not sure if we can add friends or whatever, but my screen name is Mynnotaur.


I had my first death in a deathrace. The cars we were assigned had a flamethrower front and left. In a turn I ended up with a car right up against me to my right and one right on my tail and they burned my driver to death. My driver passed out before dying and the car had enough momentum to make it inches from the finish line before both the car and driver expired.

I had one deathrace where the cars had mines, it was on a track with some narrow parts. The recording for that one is spectacular, explosions and cars flying everywhere. It’s actually a great demonstration of the physics engine (you can look it up in recordings, event #52804). Only my car and one other finished. I thought I had first place clinched after carefully slaloming around the scattered mines, but shortly before the finish there was one mine I didn’t see, which blew me sideways into another mine, which killed my momentum and the only other car to survive whipped past me to take first.

Edit: now that I think about it, I guess the moral of this story is take a look at the cars and weapons you are given when you register for a mission to see if you really want to risk it.

After some success with league combats and a few deathraces, I joined up with a group of veterans going from a patrol around Somerset. It wasn’t long before we exited the gate that a group of 10 raiders came up behind our group of 7. They got the jump on us and my teammates cry “run!”.

The road in ahead turns right toward town to avoid some rough terrain, some dunes with a depression behind them, and then switches back to the left sharply to come around behind the depression.

My teammates split in three directions. The Fallen Coyotes gang, riding in two big off road SUVs, accelerate straight for the dunes in front of us. Scazram’s Dragoons, also in two off road capable vehicles, head off to the left through the desert toward a rocky rise. The two screet cars of the Justice Delivered gang head forward and right, sticking to the road.

I follow just behind the group as it splits up. As I see Fallen Coyote’s vehicles bounce and go airborne as they hit the dunes I decide it’s best to follow the street cars of Justice Delivered and stick to the road, seeing as I only have a rented Antagonizer which is not off road friendly.

I’m bringing up the rear, and long range shots from the mob of Tusk raiders ricochet around me as I head along the road the right and make the tight turn along the switchback.

My teammates, being a little faster and more agile than me, take up position while I unintentionally act as bait for part of the raider swarm following me along the road. Justice Delivered’s two cars have moved a little past the hairpin turn of the switchback and turned around to prepare to fire on any enemy that follows me around the bend. Fallen Coyotes, despite seeming to bounce haphazardly over the dunes, one of the vehicles even rolling over once, has taken position on the dunes on the far side of the depression. Scazram’s Dragoons has also take position, turning around after cresting the uneven plateau.

The enemy has also split into three groups. A couple of them come screaming around the hairpin turn in pursuit of my fleeing car. Justice opens fire, and as I get close to his position I jam the wheel to the left and pull the handbrake executing a j-turn that brings my front mounted heavy machine gun and car rifle to bear on the enemy.

The first of my pursuers is moving too fast for Justice’s cars to get much fire on him, so I target the lead car and open up. My shots miss at first as the enemy approaches. Fortunately Justice is already taking chunks out of the second car around the bend. I slam it into reverse and turn the wheel so I can keep the lead car in my sights as it approaches and tries to pass. My fire finds it’s mark as my j-turn turned reverse spin continues through 180 to 270 degrees. I empty about a third of my ammo before he is demoralized and starts to run. The second car is also running for its life after a beating from Justice Delivered.

Whew! I look around. Three of the enemy have followed Scazram’s Dragoons, and rest have plowed straight into the dunes toward Fallen Coyote. I finish my spin coming a full revolution while Justice follows the road back around the bend to try and come up behind the enemies now engaged with Fallen Coyote. Fortunately the enemy wasn’t as well prepared to go offroad and a few get caught int he depression to have Coyote’s files rain down upon them. The cars that followed Scazram’s Dragoons are also fairing poorly.

I accelerate towards one car that had gone up the middle but managed to escape the depression and Coyote’s withering fire. He’s moving up to try and help his buddies against Scarzam’s Dragoons. After my combat spin I don’t have much speed left so he opens the distance at first, my shots missing or doing minimal damage. Fortunately my prey isn’t well equipped to climb the sandy incline towards the Dragoons, so after a few seconds I close the distance. I slide along the base of the sandy rise, being as ill prepared for driving off road in the dessert as my victim, but I manage to land several rounds of machine gun and rifle fire on on as he flounders trying to get over the crest. He too quickly turns tail.

Moments later Justice Delivered, having come around the bend towards where we started, finishes off the last enemy and we regroup to see what loot is left behind. My scout and gunner drive two prize vehicles home and we also salvage enough ammo to keep us shooting for a while.

(recording ID S106278)

Just watched the “Mines” recording…my god…that was insanity, complete and total craziness. The one black car (Death’s Photography Squad or whatever they were called), there towards the end…man, just popped all over the place. They were in the lead, until they crashed straight into that one car. Then it was pretty much all over after that, as they just hit mine after mine, then hit from a card and knocked into more mines.

Too funny.


Fun little game! Just learning but it looks like it’ll scratch that Car Wars itch. I watched a race where one of the human players managed to stay close and then took the lead by managing a tight corner better then the AI at the last turn to take second.

And those recordings are great to watch.

Damn you all. !@#$ing viral marketers. Argh, sucked in. aieieieyeyeyeai…

This was not the week for me to be picking up a new mmorpg!

This game really is awesome.

Sure, it could do with a bit more polish, but the relative lack of polish can’t hide that the underlying game really is everything I ever wanted from a CarWars conversion.

The unique, equipable, trainable, characters (permadeath!) with cool skillsets, the car handling and the different events all come together really nicely.

Yesterday my best driver saw an opening pretty early in a deathrace and slipstreamed her way to second position. Yay, nice move!
Remind me next time to wait with those moves until later in the race. Being in front of 7-8 cars with heavy Gatling guns with ammo left is not advisable. First my rear armor was chewed up, then she was stunned by a gracing bullet, and so couldn’t avoid a serios bump in the road and the landing took out both front tyres. After some fishtailing the others got close enough to land three direct hits through my wide-open rear (heh).
Ashes to ashes…

I’ll go look for a new driver tonight. My second-best driver really sucks, but he is terriffic with a car-mounted mortar. :)

Is this multiplayer only or can I get any enjoyment out of it by myself?

You can run events by yourself. If no one else joins, it’ll be populated by bots.


Yesterday my best driver saw an opening pretty early in a deathrace and slipstreamed her way to second position. Yay, nice move!
Remind me next time to wait with those moves until later in the race. Being in front of 7-8 cars with heavy Gatling guns with ammo left is not advisable. First my rear armor was chewed up, then she was stunned by a gracing bullet, and so couldn’t avoid a serios bump in the road and the landing took out both front tyres. After some fishtailing the others got close enough to land three direct hits through my wide-open rear (heh).
Ashes to ashes…

Tell me about it. Two straight “driver training” sessions, just me against the bots, both times everyone got rocket equipped cars. I didn’t make to the first turn either time.

I just realized that this runs off of a USB drive. My exam grade is so boned.