Hello great collective peoples, I have a general question about darts. We throw at work, and I’m getting tired of bounces, so I was thinking about getting a set of hammerhead-style darts. Upon looking, there are roughly eight billion brands of darts out there, and I’m immediately overwhelmed. Can someone give me a quick-and-dirty update on the state of the game?
Bouncing darts that aren’t caused by the dart tip pointing in some direction other than the dart board are caused by the dart hitting the 1.6mm thick wire.
New dartboards use a thin blade instead of wire, reducing the number of bounces.
In addition, tungsten darts are slimmer and less prone to hitting something that will cause a bounce.
What Kong said. Get a bristle board with a blade style grid as opposed to the wire type.
I have a Dart board in my garage and spend most nights out there with the guys shooting when the weather permits. I use Sharpshooter brand darts. They aren’t the hammer style because of $. I like them a lot though. I use 28gm. Here’s a link to my local dart supplier they’re called Darts and Parts. It took me a while to find some that I liked but I settled on about $45. I couldn’t justify paying more than that.
Talking pretend plastic darts or real steel-tip darts? If the former, ignore.
I suggest lightweight tungsten darts. I shot 19g when I was in my dart throwing prime. I got more finesse with the lighter weight, and was able to land game-ending doubles much more reliably than with heavier darts.
I have just the opposite problem. I love heavy bombs, I bought a set for a friend that are 35gm and I almost didn’t give them to him. I think the rules allow for weights up to 50gm.
I could hit the bulk areas of numbers with the heavies, but I had no minute control; I couldn’t hit trips or doubles or bulls. I thought of the heavies as artillery and the light ones as surgical strikes. ;)
Googling around I see that 22g is the most popular weight amongst the professionals, so Acid is probably on to something there.
I’ll look into getting a wire grid. I assume I can buy just the grid? Also, re: hammerheads, are tehy patented so that only one brand has the tech, or does everyone build darts that way now?