DayZ - The paid Alpha you were waiting for

Yup. Despite the public messaging, it was pretty obvious that the DayZ project in BI was a bad fit.

That sweet 1.0 trailer

Time for some premium DLC!

With 163KM2, Livonia is the second official map of DayZ.

After 5 years in Chernarus, players will now be able to bring everything they learned in this new challenge.

Based on the Arma 3 Contact Expansion’s map, Dayz’s Livonia brings a world scarred by the consequences of the virus.

And thats it for the dev studio…

Just why?

Mobile version:

Open Beta for Survival Mobile Game Mini DayZ 2 Opens Today on Android and iOS

Hard-core ‘loot’n shoot’ survival game Mini DayZ 2 deals a heavy dose of challenge to foragers, explorers, and die-hard fans of the genre. Check out the Google Play and Apple Store to get access to Mini DayZ 2 for free.

I’m gonna be the weird one here and say that the first “mini” DayZ was actually pretty cool.

It worked way better than I expected, so this might be ok.


I agree. They captured the Day Z experience pretty well even with the limitations of mobile/browser. I will definitely download this as I spent many hours with the first one.