DDO Unlimited-DDO goes free to play

I was on the 32 from the Steam install.

Switching was really easy - click down arrow on launcher, 64 bit, done.

Didn’t know about that, thanks! Seems to have improved a bit for me.

I was going to make a reminder to check out stuff, but it’s extended again:

We would like to thank you for supporting us! To start, players can continue to enjoy all of our quests, raids, and expansion content for free through August 31st, 2020. We would also like to provide a way for you to move forward with your gaming when our event eventually comes to an end, so in the coming days we will be providing a Coupon Code that will let you acquire all currently-available adventure packs permanently on your account(s)! However, you will need to act quickly, as this Coupon Code is available to redeem through August 31st, 2020.

Additionally, we will be conducting a sale on two of our expansions in the DDO Store! When the sale is active, players will be able to pick up the quests included in Menace of the Underdark and The Shadowfell Conspiracy for 99 DDO Points. Stay tuned for exact timing on the sale.

I’ll make a post when that sale is active.

Re: 64 bit client - 99% less lag and rubber banding. Does have a few quirks though.

There’s a new site showing the current groups:

Wow, until September? They must be selling a lot of XP boosts and stuff. LOTRO free is extended until September as well.

I simultaneously want to take advantage of this and can’t imagine where I would find the time to do so. Nor do I want to deal with their horrible malware patcher. :/

The coupon is up:

You have to enter it in the in-game store, which is a weird way to do things. I also discovered that the vast majority of the UI doesn’t scale at all so the game is basically unplayable at modern resolutions, at least for my eyes. But at least I have content if I try to battle through.

Nice, they did it.

The first expansions are now available for 99 points each. Click “new in store” and they’ll be at the top. These are quests only and do not include the start at level 15 characters, druid or epic destinies.

There should also be a big sale at the end of the month for store options like extra classes & inventory. I’m sitting on a few thousand points from reincarnating a couple times (Cleric was fun) and not repeating any quests. They come pretty fast now that we don’t have to buy content packs.

Yup from what I’ve seen.

There will be another expansion coming out later this year. Higher levels, unicorns and displacer beasts.

New server today. Open to everyone, limited permadeath.


I just died to a crab in the borderlands. x_x

I forgot to unsubscribe to their newsletter, and just found out they’re still making new expansions.

“Vecna Unleashed” in a couple weeks. Here’s the trailer:

0:34 has the big bad.