Dead Space (no spoliarz)

Watching it now. I just got to the point where their initial design had the same movement contrivances as Resident Evil 4, i.e., not being able to move and shoot at the same time. Gah, can you imagine if the game had been like that? I wouldn’t have played through it once, let alone three times back to back.

EDIT: Woah. So after Dead Space Visceral made a bunch of duds like Dante’s Inferno and a canceled game where you play Jack the Ripper. I did not know that. And then the next Dead Space game was not Dead Space 2, but Dead Space Extraction on the Wii. This is the first time I’m seeing footage of Extraction. This game looks pretty darn cool. I still have my Wii somewhere, I wonder if I can track down a cheap copy of Extraction somewhere?

EDIT 2: Ok, 20 minutes in, and they’re talking in detail about Dead Space 2, which I’m playing now, so I’ll have to stop watching this video.