DEATHLOOP by Arkane Lyon

No. It officially releases at 9pm. Aka right now.

So far so good. It’s just like Dishonored but totally different!

I had a repeating crash while trying to equip a weapon trinket in the tutorial but I just had to tweak my graphics settings and it cleared up.

Game runs really well, just finished the longest day, overall this is gonna be one hell of an experience imho.

Anyone know the power difference between Colt and an invader as Julianna?

It looks like she has her own upgrade screen. So what happens when a fully upgraded / kitted out Julianna invades a noobish early game Colt?


And I really do wish this game had save and exit feature.

You die. :P

But I believe she has a health bar similar to the NPC guards in game.

I played about an hour this morning. The tutorial stuff was tedious and the world is just beginning to open up, but I like where this is going.

That seems kind of dumb. From all the media/trailers she was sold as a direct rival to the player character. Although I guess you can heal?

Real issue isn’t the gear disparity it’s that any human would be better than the braindead AI.

Also re release, when a game releases anywhere, that means it’s out. Arguing otherwise is asinine.

this is what Fromsoft achieved. Their NPC phantoms are really good, competetive AI. Sometimes you couldn’t tell the difference between human or AI (old Monk)… If the invasion here is as flawless, then it could really get tense…

I think the big difference with a npc AI and a human is that the human will know to stalk you and wait a bit, until the ‘main’ player makes a mistake fighting the normal enemies, then it’s when you attack from behind, ambushing you.

Yes, humans would take a more tactical approach. But also the AI in Deathloop is limited to either shooting directly at you or running at you with a machete. Julianna is a bit more advanced using her slab, but not much.

I’m not too down on the dumb AI. I mean in certain areas there are a lot of them so if they were all smart, you’d be in deep trouble so they’d have to have less of them, and I think I’d rather have fun killing a lot of them in different ways than have it be a hard core tactical experience, since the whole point is searching for clues on finding the bad guys in whichever part of the day they are in to take them out…so the random enemy NPC’s are just there to slow you down a bit.

On one hand I agree with everything you said, but on the other I find myself cheesing missions by shooting one dude in the face then shutting myself in a room, and repeating.

That’s my style! But I call it merciless patience, not cheese. :)

I also don’t think my earlier comment about the release timing was ‘asinine.’ Just thought you should wait and see if that problem you encountered happened again after it unlocked on Steam before refunding or quitting.

Anyone playing on PC with xbone controller?

The aiming feels bad. There are two options, direct - which is default, and feels completely inconsistent ass-like, and filtered, which is more consistent but still bad.

Kinda blows my mind that developers are still failing at basic stuff like this. Mouse aiming and controller aiming are supposed to be solved problems for the past 25 years or so.

It unlocked on Steam when I played it. The game officially released at 11AM ET that morning.

I think I figured out the problem, actually-- you drop residuum when you die. Now the game never actually tells you this, or if it does, I missed it in the extremely dense and long tutorial. You need to go back to your corpse to pick it up and if you leave it, it’s gone forever.

This is terrible both in implementation (not educating the player about how they could get screwed in what is a very unusual/complex mechanic unlike any other game they’re likely to have ever played) and by design, in that you should never allow players to inadvertently screw themselves in such a manner.

At the very least it should pop up a “hey, your corpse has a lot of residuum on it, are you sure you want to leave?” message. But really, you shouldn’t drop the stuff in the first place. Don’t screw over your players!

Is this unforgivable? Well… yes. For me it is. The fact that it’s shitty design and not a bug doesn’t make me want to pick up this game ever again. I tried to hex edit the savegame and failed, and the only trainer I could find wants me to subscribe to their fucking website for fifteen fucking dollars per fucking month. But for those of you just starting out, learn from me.

Yeah it’s in a tutorial after you beat the first lady

Very possible I just missed it. Very dense tutorializing in this game. That does not make it OK.

The Souls games sell pretty decently…