DEATHLOOP by Arkane Lyon

I don’t know, I’m not really getting a clear picture of what it plays like. I’m sure it’s more complicated, but the IGN quote @MrTibbs posted earlier makes it sound like a Hitman level with only one way to kill the targets.

Dishonored Hitman Mooncrash Outer Wilds Dark Souls?

I have to admit the same, unfortunately. Terrible quote.

Sounds like a similar structure as Mooncrash.

“Myst with guns.”

Myst meets Groundhog Day meets Dishonored 2 , in the 1960s.

Does anybody want that game, though?

I would have preferred Dishonored 3.

This, all damn day.

Creative people like to try different stuff.

@Alistair so much this. Personally, I love when companies just do what they want, how they want (and I’d say I walk that walk). Sure, I do occasionally enjoy the Ubisoft-style corporate-desisigned-according-to-a-checklist-of-what’s-popular game, but seeing a non-tiny-indie company just getting to do what they want, how they want, in the style they want, makes me happy. I’m certainly going to check this out when the exclusivity period is up and it hits Xbox.

Let’s hope it works out better than Battleborn.

I don’t get the connection. If anything, it was the other way- Battleborn seemed to be a pretty standard Hero Shooter when those things were the current hip flavor-of-the-month. Kind of the epitome of designing to go after a perceived market, rather than doing what they creatively wanted to do. But I never played it, I could be wrong.

Well, Randy Pitchford and others at Gearbox repeatedly said Battleborn was what they made instead of Borderlands 3 immediately after Borderlands 2 because that was they wanted to play. A hero shooter with their Gearbox aesthetic. I think Pitchford’s quote was something along the lines of “it would’ve been easier to do the obvious thing and just make the next Borderlands.”

At least this reminds me I should go back and play Mooncrash. I never finished it as I got burned out on Prey after finishing the main campaign and quickly moved on to another game.

From what I recall Dishonored 2 didn’t sell as well as they’d hoped, so this might not only be a creative choice to try out something different.

I confused this with Loop Hero

great to have 2 loop games! Never enough loops. ;)

Mooncrash was amazing. I would love to see that idea expanded from a DLC into something more. I was hoping Deathloop was that game, but I can’t figure out what game it is.

Those trailers look like all running and killing, very few alternate paths and almost no “immersion”.

Love the look of this. I also hope they have or add something roguelike-ish in the vein of Mooncrash. They could do a lot more with that formula. That said I’m pretty much sold already.

Time to re-watch Tales from the Loop.