Deep Blue Sea 2 - Yes, It's Real

I refused to put this in the horror thread.

I like that they upgraded to great whites. Because, you know, scarier than mako sharks.

I also like how they basically built the same lab as before and it’s just as shitty in terms of being kraken proof.

Syfy Original - No thanks.

That basically just looks like a remake? But then I hardly remember the original…

Yeah, it almost looks like a scene for scene remake.

Meh, they should have gone full Sharknado crazy. This is just a lame remake.

The first one was totally fun. I notice there is no Samuel Jackson in this ‘sequel’. You know, he could have come back as half man, half shark, half eaten.

At this point I feel like they can change the name from SyFy to SharkFy, because… yeah.

Hitting Redbox on April 17th!