Deep Down from Capcom: Feel it in your nethers

And yet you’ll probably play some EA game that costs $60 and has just as many microtransactions if not more…

… and we’re done.

Pity - it looks lovely, and a Dark Souls/Co-op/Random loot sort of game would be great.

This is funny, but not true. The base game is still the base game while they might gouge you on buying new maps and content on release, it isn’t anywhere near the level of your typical free to pay game.

When i play games i want to sit down and relax, not be nickle and dimed at every turn. When i was young, i loved free to play games. Now i have a greater disposable income and am a bit smarter (ie i realize that “free” to play games are in almost every case more expensive in the end). I don’t want to be relaxing and have someone hold up their hand for more money every 5 minutes.

So yes, i thought this looked interesting, but i’m out too.

Mass Effect multiplayer was as bad as most f2p stuff and you got random stuff for your money. I’m going to guess maybe you just haven’t played a lot of free to play stuff.

I have, but mostly mmorpgs that are free to play.

I play a ton of Montezuma Blitz on Vita. At the very least it’s be a free way to show off the power of the PS4 to impress your friends. And at the other end, maybe it’ll still be really good with a non-evil monetization model.

I do think this being F2P opens up a greater likelihood that we will get a proper, retail sequel for Dragon’s Dogma on next gen. And that’s what I’ve really wanted all along!

Personally, I feel that current gen graphics are good enough and there’s no need for more powerful hardware and no one will be able to tell the difference with the new machines and blah blah blah.

Isn’t DOTA free to play? And don’t people play that game like crazy? So technically Capcom could pull this off.

DOTA2 is a special case, it came with an inbuilt audience of millions inherited by the previous mod, and Valve can permit itself making it so “free” because their coffers are well full thanks to Steam itself.

Also, oriental companies has an history of doing F2P games much less generous.

LoL and World of Tanks are also both incredibly popular, both more so than Dota2.

F2P doesn’t have to mean bad. I’ve been playing Warframe for months, having a great time, and ended up spending a fair bit of money on it–not because it was necessary, but because I wanted to. There are an increasing number of examples (Card Hunter, Path of Exile) that have implemented free to play in a manner that doesn’t gate most of the content behind pay walls.