Deep Throat Was Felt

So W. Mark Felt has apparently fessed up that he was Deep Throat.


WaPo must confirm so we can move on to figuring out who The Narrator is.

The nurse in Deep Throat was played by Carol Connors, who several years later would give birth to Thora Birch!

I knew it was Mark!

I believe HRose predicted this in his blog several months ago.


Well, not exactly. What if he’s either:

  1. Lying.

  2. Thinks he is Deep Throat but really isn’t? (I saw it proposed that he could have been a source for W&B but not the source.)

I think this will only be finally resolved if Woodward & Bernstein confirm it.

Well, not exactly. What if he’s either:

  1. Lying.

  2. Thinks he is Deep Throat but really isn’t? (I saw it proposed that he could have been a source for W&B but not the source.)

I think this will only be finally resolved if Woodward & Bernstein confirm it.[/quote]
The executive editor of the Post at the time confirmed it, what more do you want?

Well, not exactly. What if he’s either:

  1. Lying.

  2. Thinks he is Deep Throat but really isn’t? (I saw it proposed that he could have been a source for W&B but not the source.)

I think this will only be finally resolved if Woodward & Bernstein confirm it.[/quote]

Uh, they just did. Bradlee, too.

Woodward confirmed it, according to CNN

Well for you not to be a ding-dong, but that’s probably too much to ask.

My apologies to everybody else…that looked like the exact same article I saw on CNN earlier that simply repeated the fact that Felt claimed he was Deep Throat.

I just didn’t actually “read” the article though.


What I’m curious about is why he held it until he died.

Now that’s Nixon’s dead, the thing he’s most useful for is revealing the true rot at the heart of the washington conservative establishment. Liddy and Buchanan going after Felt today on television; the Corner over at National Review going after him; and most mind-boggingly from there:

K-Lo, you should be watching FOX. … I’ll bet Richard Nixon is looking down on Washington right now and having a good laugh. The very liberals who detested him simply cannot get enough of him

Yeah, Richard Nixon is in heaven. Of all the people I’d rank into heaven/hell, Nixon’s probably right next to Ol’ Scratch himself.

Now that is hyperbole of the first degree, and only confirms my long standing policy of taking any Jason McCullough post with a huge grain of salt.

Nixon was not a saint, but he wasn’t a murderer or child molester either. He was just a politician who broke the rules in his quest to stay in power, and then paid the price.

As an atheist I am not a naturally good source for sorting people into heaven/hell classifications but I don’t view Nixon as evil.

Which Clinton should I vote for?

And what rules they were!

Also besides the points posted by Reilly there is that Elllsberg thing:
“In one of Nixon’s actions against Ellsberg, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt broke into Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office in September 1971, hoping to find information they could use to discredit him. The revelation of the break-in became part of the Watergate scandal. On May 3, 1972, the White House secretly flew a dozen Cuban CIA “assets” to Washington DC with orders to assault or assassinate Ellsberg. (They backed out because the crowd was too large.) Because of the gross governmental misconduct, all charges against Ellsberg were eventually dropped.” According to wiki, which potentionally makes Nixon complicit in conspiracy to commit murder.

I’m not. Seriously?

Hey Nick, the title of this thread should be “Deep Throat Was Felt.” Come on, man!

Excellent point, I’ve made the appropriate edits.