Democracy 3

Um … they’re worth it if you play Democracy 3, which it seems you don’t at this time. They don’t dramatically transform the game, but they add more to it and (at least for me) increase the immersion because of that.

PS - waiting for the newest to go on sale before I grab that, fwiw

That’s always the goal isn’t it :-)

I’ve knocked quite a few games off the backlog over the past month, either completing things or deciding they aren’t worth the time. Granted the backlog is still pretty big. Based on my experience with Democracy 2, I think I’ll enjoy it for a short period of time but I probably wouldn’t replay each scenario.

I hear it’s awesome . Plus its 80% off, by grabthars hammer, what a savings.

Haha. Well, I picked up a copy with all expansions. :) Merry Christmas, cliffski!

Another unbiased Democracy DLC review ;-)

I’ve got Democracy 3 with Clones and Drones, Extremism and Social Engineering. Is there any reason to play the base game without the expansions - like is the campaign balanced better or some other reason? I haven’t played any Democracy 3 yet.

I have the base game of this, are any expansions worth it?

Have you played the base game yet to have an opinion of it? I played one scenario and never felt like I wanted to play it again. So if you haven’t played it I’d recommend giving it a try before buying the expansions since I didn’t think it was that good.

I can say I’ve been enjoying Pathfinder Adventures though!

Not sure if this warrants a new thread just yet, but democracy 4 is up for preorder on their site which gives access to an alpha version:

There is mention of steam keys down the road. I’m considering going for this, and if I do I’ll post impressions here.

You can find videos by the designer here:

Here is a lets play from quill:

Development roadmap:

New dev blog:

I’ve been keeping my eye on 4, and I see it is now available, in its alpha state, with minimal publicity and no Steam, just on their own site.

At this point, you can only play as the United Kingdom. The dev videos look fascinating, and I liked what I saw of Orbital Potato’s video.

My concern at this point is that the game is going to present politics as 90% policy selection. Which, in an ideal world would be the case. But in the real world, politics has a great deal to do with uniting people around shared resentments, particularly cultural resentments. To the point of distracting much of the electorate away from policy, a trend that seems to be accelerating. And that seems to be minimized here.

The game does have something about money in politics. It seems to take the form of major donors who, out of the blue, demand a specific policy change, and if you refuse, they are no longer a donor. Compared to the depth of policy decisions, this seems a bit two dimensional, but at least it is on the right track.

And the game does seem to model how certain groups are more likely to vote than other groups (older voters, but also particularly outraged voters).

But I am on the fence, wondering if this is going to feel anything like the actual political world. Or maybe it fits the UK and not the US? I don’t know much about UK elections, but I cannot imagine a national election where each side isn’t depending on vilifying the opposition. (Not to mention messing with who actually gets to vote.)

Just saw @Rod_Humble post about Democracy 4 on twitter. I guess I should get around to playing Democracy 3.

I picked up Democracy 4 and am using it to teach civics to my daughters, whom I’m homeschooling. It’s an excellent discussion starter for many different topics.