Derek Smart's Line Of Defense MMOFPS

Because Allegiance was an amazingly fun game that had the plug pulled on it once Microsoft Research had the DirectX proof-of-concept that they wanted.

It’s a damn shame, I loved that game.

Thought I would put it mildly.

Allegiance was amazing.

This seems like a fairly straight ripoff of both Allegiance and Planetside (I see elements of both in the descriptions of what you can do and in the screenshots). That would not neccessarily be a “bad thing”, but only if it was from a developer I could trust to bring the best elements of both games to a new level.

Still, I’m interested, just not interested enough to be one of the first to buy in.

If you follow the story of Eve, you will understand how and why they went their own way and thus are comfortable with a 300K player subscription game. My games in general, eclipse that number in sales.

Oh Derek, I love the way you spin!
Of course the fact that the Eve playerbase pays MONTHLY (and you playerbase probably paid once and regretted as soon as they installed…) shouldn’t interfere in your pirouettes. And naturally I’m sure you’re including the total of ALL your sales for ALL your products including the rather ill-fated BC3000AD, and that statement makes sense to me.

Other than that, not so much.

Wrong! If you read the interview, you will see that Planetside Next doesn’t stand a chance against Derek’s game. At all.

Yeah, he definitely didn’t keep his thumb off the “I AM TEH GRATEST” button during that whole interview. Jeezus, Derek still ain’t learned that pride goeth before a fall.

Reading that interview is somewhat painful. Way to give any credit to the people who I’m sure worked crap hours to do whatever it was you wanted to do on Alganon.


Read the RPS comments. He’s not afraid to work his PR magic in there either.

You have to give it to Derek. When he wants to talk about something, he does.


Haha, I caught that and just shook my head.

I also loved…

It would be great if he was actually poking fun at himself with that comment, but alas, he is totally serious.

Best of all, the RPS guys – at least those old enough to have crawled out of their diapers – who know me, know that I never – ever – abandon anything.

This gentleman truly has a way with words

When push comes to shove, you’ve got to do what you love, even if it’s not a good idea.

Mr Smart is having fun in the comments thread of the interview. He seems to be quite relaxed these days.

I would totally play that.

Then again, since it has spaceships, I’ll totally be playing this new MMOFPS too.

I don’t really have anything to add to this beyond agreeing with Slainte’s post.

Allegiance and Planetside were both amazing (by the way, Allegiance is still running! Though it’s difficult to play, and the players are really, really good).

One reason I don’t play it anymore. ;)

I remember in the qt3 Planetside thread that Derek said he wanted to be the pilot who rescued people and had a reputation for getting you where you needed to go. I remember thinking it was charming.

His infatuation with trying to get that feeling of “blazing into a hot zone behind enemy lines” is what causes him to blow god knows how much money on shit games that aren’t fun to play except for several thousand people, the same several thousand who get suckered into buying his shit games for whatever reason, so that he can then say that “IN GENERAL” he’s sold as many copies of his games as Eve Online.

This is going to suck. It’s going to suck hard. It’s going to suck hard and not even fucking work correctly. And then he’s going to defend it as a huge success for the “niche market” that he always seems to be shooting for.

But hey, at least he hired people that can work with texture resolutions from 2002 instead of 1995.

Damn I enjoyed that game. I always forget about it and then it gets mentioned in random places and I get all nostalgic.

Edit: in fact I believe it was the game that drove me to buy a high end Thrustmaster HOTAS set up. Which came in handy later for WWIIOL. Good times.