DERPSPACE: Encounter at Regula O.S.S. |OT| A bold new space game by Gordon Cameron

Lorenzo Music: The Voice of the '80s.

Quoted for truth.

This week I’ve been fiddling with the final touches of an idea for a space hauler I’ve been bouncing around for a few years:


The flat nose is a remnant of its original inception, where instead of a straight up freight hauler the ship would also serve as sort of an un-manned Ice Breaker in space (it would have to be unmanned because any crew of a ship like this would no doubt die on impact), intended to be used to punch holes through spacey areas like dense asteroid fields, planetary rings, small moons, comets, Oort fields, etc. Unfortunately, all computerized physics simulations that’s I’ve run have shown that this combination of Puncher and Hauler might often result in a perfectly fine ship, but 100% of the time will also result in hundreds of holds worth of obliterated cargo, measuring in the millions of tonnes.

Sadly, I think my dream of such a ship will forever be left to the realm of fictional space games, as long as some game/simulation developer might one day be willing to fudge the numbers just enough in their physics engine so that ships like mine might stand a chance.

It’s still a noble, proud, and mighty ship none the less.


so good

Its been almost 2 years since a promised update to the promised possibility of a roadmap.

How’s it going ?

We haven’t seen Gordon in 2 years. Hmmmm…

Time dilation.

Where we’re going, we don’t need roadmaps.

We need starmaps!

Everything you need to know is right here:


Did you trademark that? If not, Chris Roberts may just steal it from you.

Nah, he’s too busy stealing from thousands of people.

Well, not technically stealing, since they’re giving him money willingly. Not that they should, mind you. And it’s not like he’s not deceiving them to some degree. But still.

I was thinking it would be useful when he presents his update and plans as a Starmap so that he can milk the cows/ fleece the lambs some more…

They’re making a roadmap for their roadmap, so that scenario you concocted there might be more likely than one would think…

Given the current influx of rubes…errrr…I mean, potential investors for space games, I think it’s time to take this thing public. DERPSPACE has everything Star Cityscape has and more. The ability to import YOUR ship design into the game world for a reasonable price for example…300$ for a jPeg?..pffft, we’ll sell you the ACTUAL nose of a ship (in asci) for that.

I know your standards are high, and ethics are of course mission statement number one, but I feel as if you are missing a great opportunity to fleece suckers attract investors.

Morality is great, and so is legendary vision, but…400 million bucks isn’t bad either. I only ask for a paltry 1% of the kickstarter revenue for this goading.

So for $300 I can have my own ship design added to the game? Wowzers! How about this one:

   /  \
  |    |
  |    |
  |    |
  |    |
 '      `
 |      |
 |      |
  '-`'-`   .
  / . \'\ . .'
 ''( .'\.' ' .;'
'.;.;' ;'.;' ..;;'

The spaceship actually stays in my backyard most of the time.

         *                 *                  *              *
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        *              _________##                 *        / \    | |
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       __         @@ @@@ @@__________|     \|/           |  A    | | |
  ____|_@|_       @@@@@@@@@__________|     \|/           |_______| |_|
=|__ _____ |=     @@@@ .@@@__________|      |             |@| |@|  | |

I didn’t even realize the game would support red.

Yak, want a job in the DERPSPACE™ art department?

I can only pay you in ASCII spaceships, though. Which you will design.

Are you kidding? This game has so many colors that many of them no one even heard of. Remember Technicolor? Well, prepare for people talking about Derpcolor!