Destiny 2 is almost free to play

Title Destiny 2 is almost free to play
Author Nick Diamon
Posted in News
When November 2, 2018

You can grab a free copy of Destiny 2 on PC right now. No strings attached. It's the regular base game of Destiny 2 that people paid full price to experience at launch last year. You just need to go through your Battle..

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Thanks for the tip. Low chance I will be hooked by this but nice to be able to try it for free.

Is this a shooter?


With all the new players it really shows how broken the matchmaking/balacing in Crucible is,

My team in a match consisted of two level 50s and 4 level 3s. the enemy team was a group of 6 level 50s and we got destroyed.

If anything they should’ve “eased” the lowbies into Crucible by having lowlevels in a separate tier to avoid that kind of shit.