Diablo III

Yeah sorry my bad. This is the build I am going for currently.

It isnā€™t the end of the world if you cast wall of death at the wrong place. It is a short cooldown and you have grave injustice. 99% of the point of using wall of death is to proc the 6 piece of the helltooth set anyway.

You also only cast it if you left click an enemy.

As you noted this is not a mana heavy build and you have no mana generator. That is not that rare. Some builds are just like that.

(as of a couple seasons ago when i played it) This is a very strong build for WD, one of the best. There are a couple other options that i think are nearly as good, but they all have higher gear requirements, if not requiring many specific uniques.

Cool, thanks. I am getting used to it, it is a LOT less click heavy than my custom Zunis/fireball mix. =) That oneā€™s a mess but I love the bouncing fireballs and found some neat legendaries to make it workā€¦

Iā€™m stuck around T10 with my hardcore seasonal monk. Prior to that point, things were going good - rolling with 6 pieces of innaā€™s and mantras and mystic allies everywhere. But around T9, i started to feel vulnerable, and particularly in T10, i had to be careful.

So i started messing around with the ring of grandeur and trying to tie in the frightening things that my first hardcore monk tried before her untimely demise(exploding palm/seven strikes), and i can get the DPS up significantly, but Iā€™m not able to get survivability to a point where Iā€™m comfortable. So, i was messing around with sunwukos items (mainly because I really like sweeping wind) and thought that a 50% mitigation right off the top might be just what I needed. OMG, that almost ended so tragically. Literally, about 6s into the rift, I went red and near-death popped off and that was just about the end of thatā€¦

any suggestions for handling mitigation? Iā€™m currently using a R25 Esotreric Alteration and a R25 Invigorating Gemstone. My first thought is swapping out the latter for a Molten Wildebeestā€¦

Wow, you guys were right about turning down the difficulty. Going from Expert to Hard, and the rate at which you make progress in the story goes up at an exponential rate. Itā€™s true that itā€™s no longer challenging in any way, but the rate at which you level up goes up so much, and you make so much more progress. I guess thatā€™s the trade off: would you rather level up faster or have more fun while playing?

Really late game Diablo can be treated like a hybrid racing/fighting game. Youā€™re really looking to upgrade to the badass tires and spoiler that lets you rip through the tracks (rifts) faster and faster so you can beat your time record and get to harder tracks.

Itā€™s more fun than that because new gear can enable you to try new abilities and builds as you go, but I think that itā€™s still a fun loop.

For me the fun is in smashing through huge hordes and collecting great gear. So lower difficulty is ideal! ;)

It goes up naturally when you tackle the real game (GRs) once the story is done. :)

I agree. Pushing to higher difficulties isnā€™t gratifying in any way when it takes so long to upgrade gear and complete rifts. My problem is that I donā€™t like doing the same thing over and over so if Iā€™m not advancing difficulty or getting better gear, I feel Iā€™m wasting time. Happened to me in Season 10 (PS4), so I let it go on T6 after the first 4 chapters were done. No way I was grinding those rifts in the hopes of finding something that can push me another level higher.

I can do it for a season or 2, but then I need to take a few off. The last 2 seasons Iā€™ve started a wd, and Iā€™ve not even made it to 70, basically getting in about 3-4 hours each season. Eventually Iā€™ll get in the mood again, and will put in about 60 hours in a season.

I can do it every season, but once I hit ~GR70 the progression becomes too much of a grind fest for me. I typically chase the second to last journey tier and call it quits before the grind/conquest chasing becomes annoying.

But, Iā€™ve done every season to date and that brings knowledge. As we all know, knowledge = power! :) So getting to that GR level for the most part these days equates to only 2-3 weeks of playtime - maybe 30 or 40 hours. In fact the last two seasonal toons are 30 hours and 45 hours played respectively, compared to my earlier seasonal toons at close to 100 hours apiece. Of course I have other priorities competing for my time these days as well, I guessā€¦

Hereā€™s my current profile:

Iā€™m working on getting everything to match the Wd i linked above:

Iā€™ve come to terms with the more passive gameplay. My issue is that Iā€™m at step 6 of the season, I can get through GR 40 solo and some of the other things, but itā€™s requiring me to do Torment X stuff, and that just takes forever to kill for me right now. I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to ramp up my DPS from here to get that done in the next few days before season ends. Any suggestions are appreciated. Iā€™m focusing on upping my gems but not sure what else will make a big difference for meā€¦

Near term gear needs:
Mask of Jeram
Short Manā€™s finger
Sacred harvester / manajuma knife

Change out the weapon gem to an emerald for starters!

Itā€™s not ideal, but if you have a good/ancient dagger just use it. I ran T50ā€™s with my WD this season and donā€™t think I managed to get the Harvester weapon.

I canā€™t see if you have re-rolled sockets onto your helm and jewelry, but if not:

Helm- firebats to crit chance and put your best amethyst in it
Ammy - life to crit chance
Compass Rose - cooldown to crit chance or damage
Yellow ring - trash. If you donā€™t have a better legendary, craft a few yellows until you get a base you can re-roll to dual crit and a socket.
Nemā€™s Bracers - life regen to crit chance or damage
Chest - re-roll grasp of the dead dam to anything useful, probably armour

Add Lakumbaā€™s Ornament to your wishlist for mitigation.

That should have a large impact on your effective DPS. Crit is king baby.

HoodooVoodoo, for reference:

I would like this if I could, but it seems I will never be able to.

Until you have the actual weapon you need, the best ancient you have is usually the best for the base DPS boost.

Have you friended me on Battlenet, incidentally? Happy to drag you through some TXā€™s and GRā€™s for gear if i see you online at the same time.


[quote=ā€œsharaleo, post:5624, topic:66501ā€]
Helm- firebats to crit chance and put your best amethyst in it[/quote]

-Ammy - life to crit chance
Canā€™t, Had to socket it.

-Compass Rose - cooldown to crit chance or damage
Canā€™t, Had to socket it.

-Yellow ring - trash. If you donā€™t have a better legendary, craft a few yellows until you get a base you can re-roll to dual crit and a socket.
Iā€™m working on Little Manā€™s finger, low priority but will keep in mind!

Nemā€™s Bracers - life regen to crit chance or damage

Chest - re-roll grasp of the dead dam to anything useful, probably armour
-Done, increased Piranha damage, thatā€™s better than armor right? =)

Add Lakumbaā€™s Ornament to your wishlist for mitigation.
-Will do


Only ancient weapons I have so far are 2 handers

Also added you as friend!

Ewwww. Piranhas do a tiny percentage of your damage.

If the season is still up I guess Iā€™ll spend the remainder of it trying to get my set dungeon complete for that challenge.Feels wrong leaving it there with just 1 to go.

I think all I had left was a conquest, so the speed run or kill every boss in 20 minutes. I was likeā€¦ Nah.