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So where was my Warrior when we last left him?

Ah yes, unable to defeat The Butcher because of getting locked into an endless cycle of blocking and not blocking his hits. So I jumped back in last night and went to Level 3. After clearing most of level 3, I’d been finding a few magic items that I didn’t need. This meant I was able to sell it and get gold. And Griswold happened to be selling a two-handed axe that did 6-16 damage, as well as having the special property that it knocked enemies back. Woah!

I figured that was exactly what I needed against The Butcher, so I bought it and went back down to the dungeon. I went up to level 2 and opened the door. The Butcher approached, I hit him with the axe, which knocked him back. He approached again. I hit him with the axe which knocked him back. He approached again. I hit him and knocked him back. Woohoo, I took him down pretty quickly like this.

His Cleaver actually did even more damage than this Axe that I’d bought that knocked enemies back, so I switched to it as I went back to Level 3. I went down to King Leoric’s throne room and I have to admit, when I went one on one with him, and I used all the health potions on my belt except one, I was getting a tad bit worried that he’d get me before I got him. But no, he went down to the Butcher’s Cleaver.

So now I’m on Level 4 and feeling a little bit unstoppable as long as I don’t get surrounded. I did die a couple of times when I got surrounded because if things can attack you from multiple sides, you get into a constant cycle of interruptions, and die pretty quickly. So yeah, the Rogue looked like the strongest character early on, but the Warrior has climbed back up the ranks to the top again.