Did anyone make it through Ocean's Eleven?

All those hot stars. All that money spent. Boooooorrrrringgg.

I am usually a sucker for buddy, get-together-a-crew, heist flicks. Even with lots of pretty boys. I usually even like Clooney movies. This sucked with a capital SUCK. They finally got everyone together when I realized, who cares. It had all already been done better in other flicks. I would have rather watched Kelly’s Heroes for the tenth time for goodness sake.

The clever dialogue was simply not clever when it came from George’s and Brad’s mouths. Brad Pitt -> great in Snatch and many more films (not the Mexican). I liked George in Out of Sight, among other good movies he’s been in. This was spectacularly bad from the get go.

George’s problem is he plays the same guy in all of his roles only in a different set of circumstances: himself, a Mr. Everyman sorta. Harrison Ford, Sean Connery and a couple of other do this, too, and wonderfully in most cases. Clooney is starting to wear on me. His same sly looks out of the corner of his eyes, his same smirk, his same sighs. He has charisma in spades, but not quite enough to spread amongst every role he will ever play.

I nearly never quit on a movie. When they were setting up at Elliot GOuld’s house (who was excellent, I love Gould in Friends even), I had had enough. Impossibble to do, but we are going to do it. Then, “Oh yeah, I forgot about the guards.” Or some such shit. Lots of nice suits and handsome looks and smiles at each other from all involved. I imagine the gay community ate this up with a spoon. I turned it off right at that moment.

Wow. I really liked this movie. I mean, it had almost no conflict at all–you knew that the heist was going to work, the real tension came from trying to figure out how. But it was a well acted movie with snappy writing, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I’m with Ben. This movie had very little plot, but it had style and charm enough to make up for it. I thought all the main characters had charisma to spare, and Pitt and Clooney seemed to really click. Thumbs up.

I would have thought the guy who posted a comparison of relative merits of George Clooney’s, Daniel Day-Lewis’, and Christian Bale’s naked asses would have liked Ocean’s Eleven. :)

Put me in the “But Ocean’s Eleven was fun!” category.


I liked it well enough, can’t really remember anything from it, but it was entertaining. I also liked the original and for the reasons you disliked this one - you will absolutely hate the first one.


Hold on a minute. I don’t think I commented on DDL’s ass at all. Find it Chick or I will sue you for libel or slander or defamation of character or something. :wink: Clooney and Bale’s asses, I have remarked on. I must admit. In my defense, I tried to get a M-F-F menage-a-trois thread started under the Xena topic in the Everything Else section, but, alas, it was to no avail.

Maybe I was in a mood having just finished a nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/103 degree fever New Year’s Eve stomach virus. It still seemed lame. Maybe Brad’s washboard abs from Snatch or Clooney’s ass from Solaris could have saved it. Ooops! There I go again, Nancy.

I liked Ocean’s 11 well enough… I heard there’s going to be a sequel now? Anyway, kicking soundtrack.

-Lyman Zerga

I keep meaning to rent the 1st, but I wanted to see this one beforehand. All those guys had been longtime friends in the original though and the interaction seems like it would have been more natural. I thought it seemed forced between Clooney and Pitt.

Ocean’s Eleven has been on HBO the last few weeks and I have caught the flick several times and think it made for a pretty good movie. Not a classic but a good film. OK entertainment.


I thought it was pretty stylish and fast moving with some good performances. Of all the performers I only thought Julia Roberts and Andy Garcia were out of place and even then they did great.

I would buy it on DvD.

OK. That’s why I asked. A wide enough variety of Qt3 derelicts have enjoyed it so it must have been the virus remnants which tainted my viewing pleasure. I too had caught it on HBO and will give it another shot. Thank you all for the intervention and helping to put me back on the straight and narrow. :)

I’m with Ben too. I liked it. In fact, I watched it recently after a sitting of Boondock Saints*

*If you haven’t seen this yet, do yourself a favor and go rent/buy it

Even Derek liked it!!! I take that to mean there was no decapitation or disembowelment in the portion I did not watch. Oh well, I guess it could still be good.

LOL!!! Nope, no such thing in this one. Its a fun romp which you can sit through without yawning.

I liked it. Good, light fun.

Ocean’s Eleven was a BLAST. It was exactly how those kinds of movies should be, and I was endlessly entertained. It may not have enough deep meaning or whatever it is that makes movies qualify as “great cinema,” but I sure as hell loved watching it.

I’ve seen it maybe four times, and it’s better every time.

Yeah, I thought the recent version was mindless fun, but I found the original to be almost unwatchable - and I like old movies. It was as if they told the director “screw you, we’re just going to be on screen and that’s enough - hey, we’re the Rat Pack!”

That’s exactly what happened. Sinatra refused to do more than one take of every scene. And the whole group refused to alter their outside lives for the shoot–they continued doing performances at night and would routinely be out until 4 a.m. the night before they were supposed to be shooting the movie.

I agree. And, man, is that a beautifully filmed movie. The first shot of Elliott Gould’s bathrobe alone is worth the rental price.

Boring as hell. Soderbergh, as much as I’ve tried to like his stuff, is completely overhyped for me. I liked the Limey, but even that kind of fades in memory. I never made it through sex, lies and videotape, which is ostensibly one of his best films.