Dirty Bomb - New multiplayer shooter from Spash Damage

I love the idea that someone would pay $120 to become a Legendary Founder for this.


That list isn’t exactly up to date, teiman. Planet side 2 is very big right now, the F2P Blacklight and Mechwarrior have also a decent player base.

True. A much better list can be made, and sure there are around 10 “aaa FPS”. But not much more.

I myself don’t get the lure of F2P FPS games, I mean having to pay or grind excessively to unlock stuff seems no fun at all.

At least TF2 has item drops and crafting.

Also Brink is still alive, according to this:(17 servers still up and running!)


Holy crap they are offering a $320 Founder’s Package.

Those lucky Founders get to start playing the closed alpha. Hope it’s worth $320.

Interesting video but I’m not much a fan of design by metrics. It can help sure but it also seems to confuse things just as much with too much data. Random example, in Tribes Ascend people were complaining that sniper rifle’s were too powerful (they are and continue to be). So HiRez (the developer) posts some stats about sniper rifles. They state they are specifically looking at “high skill” players, who dominate most with sniping, but ignore the fact these supposed “high skill” players are using bad sniper rifles that no true high skill player would use. In the past they “nerfed” snipers by increasing damage and lowering clip size. Surprise this actually made the best snipers even better. Garbage in, so garbage out but with metrics so detailed it seems more likely you’ll confuse yourself unless you have a superb grasp on the game. Cool stuff though.

Shit like this is just getting way out of hand. I mean sure it comes with some nice swag, but still…

Direct link to the wallet rape page : https://secure.warchest.com/dirtybomb/

If they offered the beanie and hoodie as separate purchases I would be seriously interested…to bad. I like the design quite a bit.

Just ask someone with a lifetime Hellgate London account.

Not me, but man those guys got hosed.

And its not like their track record of their last 2 games screams , we will be around supporting this for years! Both of which were pretty much dead after 4 months.

And… game name change!


Nexon. Not that I really had high hopes for this game anyway.

TB does a preview

Well, at least it looks like more like the classic ET: faster speed, arcade weapons, and a bit more open map design.

Oh I’ll play it, I just don’t think it will have staying power, even as a F2P game.

I want it to be good. I liked Brink. :(

I played it at PAX. I liked what I played better than Brink. Guns actually kill people in a few shots instead of enemies being bullet-sponges.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see anything worth playing over other shooters on the market that you can just buy outright.

From the total biscuit preview I’m actually quite interested. It looks like a bit of fun. The thing is I suck with mouse and keyboard. Will it be coming to consoles or just pc?

I see the same problems has Brink.

The weapons look and feel puny. I see a lot of spray and pray.

Renamed to back to Dirty Bomb.