Discourse Changes & Enhancements

I was not a frequent Tapatalk user, although I did try it. I’d like to point out one thing to those complaining about its absence. Its presence on the old forum added a cost to everyone who didn’t use it, over and above the maintenance cost to Stusser with all the updates. It used to popup alert boxes every time you tried to view the forums in a regular web browser.

Tapatalk sucks, and I’m glad it’s gone.

Discourse web forums look and work great.

Yeah, I hated those.

Tom, do you know your FAQ has multiple recommendations to use the like button?

Do you know that Donald Trump has multiple people who want him to be President of the United States? :)


This might be a little out of date, but I did find this:

Which ends up looking like this:

That looks great by comparison.

This is now complete. Suggested will look back 365 days max, once it has worked through all your tracked/watched and the new topics. Much better. Thanks to @arpit.jalan and Sam from our team for getting this in.

I agree that the “minimal” version looks much better-- I strongly prefer the last post column, with the avatar plus name of the last poster, and the time since the last post.

Two minor issues.

  • The double-line rows waste space. I would remove the thread starter and the time the thread was created. But since the last post column is two lines, perhaps the CSS could simply remove some of the whitespace to fit threads on the screen vertically.
  • There’s no category indicator. I want that in the “latest” view.

I can’t tell if Clay is telling me to shut-up or not, so I’ll just post the screenshots as requested. I got a feeling I am going to get a nasty retort about RGB colors being the same or something. All I know is maybe it’s the blue with teh white and the fact there are inches of wide open space now but it’s definitely lights up this room a lot more than the old page.

It’s just my perception, not like an attack on the work done for this site by the way.

The old forum on the left is the Grayfolio scheme. Clay is referring to the basic blue/white default scheme.

Hey @Nesrie , The Discourse site is modeled after the QT3 default theme, looks like you were using Greyfolio Black theme.

If the brightness bothers you check out the FAQ for some workarounds while the powers that be work towards a more permanent solution, which is hopefully on the cards.

I had no idea so many people were using non-default themes! They didn’t show ads. Naughty.

I had no idea I was using a theme. I must have felt the same way years ago and changed it. I knew I wasn’t using the night theme though, so I just assumed I was using the default when the discussion about themes came up. .

Y’all themers are the weird ones, y’hear!

Clings to his Stockholm Syndrome-esque love for blue-and-white

I knew Qt3 at Night! was very popular, just didn’t realize anyone preferred the other ones.

Just goes to show you, without metrics you have no idea what people really want.

Qt3 at Night showed the ads.

Chrome Users, the Dark Reader extension gives a really nice color scheme.

Grayfolio also showed ads.

I think it was really only the mobile version that didn’t, no?

Yeah, what mono said. That’s how I used the old boards and wonder what others are doing over here.

Although, I must say, I’ve been trying to just stick with the defaults and having new and unread is starting to grow on me. I especially like that I can narrow down to one day’s worth and see what’s topical today. I’m just curious what others are doing for day to day reading.

I used to go into a couple of categories and see some things at the top. This NEW section is showing me topics/subjects that are in categories I probably rarely looked at before… like the hardware. I consider this a good thing.