Discourse Changes & Enhancements

I miss likes :’(

OK, I’ve updated the first post to include recent fixes / changes.

I can comfortably say the top 3 items on the list, are definitely on my list as things we can do in a reasonable time frame. As it gets lower and lower in the list, a bit longer. For future edits to that first post, be sure to keep the IMPORTANT stuff at the top of the list, and we’ll work through it in that order.

To be clear, I definitely hear you on the selectable per-user dark theme. That’s a persistent request and it’s on our list.

Nice work @wumpus, thanks for the update.

I visited the Broken Forum the other day. While I appreciate all the good things that discourse provided, I did have a slight “this is better design” feel. It probably is caused by having more stuff in screen and that stuff “dress” the place better.

I suspect theres still room for improvement in the discourse design.

I’m having a strange issue with embedded youtube videos and Vivaldi. When I play one and make it fullscreen, it immediately stops being fullscreen and scrolls me up several posts. This particular behavior only happens with the first video I play in the thread (or when I’ve been playing other videos in another tab?). When I click the fullscreen button again, it stays fullscreen, but when I exit the fullscreen mode it still has scrolled me several posts up.

Is there any way to remove or tweak the posting worthiness algorithm?

For instance, if you respond to something in ALL CAPS, as you do, discourse won’t allow that to fly. Which is fine and all, but sometimes when someone posts a hilariously scary image of the drumpf making a drumpf face, you gotta react in all caps.

Though, I do enjoy it as the
“Discourse forced me to write this sentence” can end those posts, much like the

12345… did on vBulletin.

This is covered in other topics, but Chrome has a bug around fullscreen and YouTube. The workaround is to middle click the video so you can open it in a new tab.

If I go to this thread and search for “Cauldron” and tick in this thread then I get a bunch of #{missing {{post number}{ value} results which don’t work as links.

Is this just me? Has something broken during the migration?

(Search for other things, including “Cauldron” globally works fine. Well, fineish. A search for nerd rage returns no results found, when what Discourse means to say is All of your search terms are considered 'too short'.

Sorry @pod, this was a brief bug related to in-progress search improvements.

GOOD NEWS! Thanks to herculean efforts by @eviltrout, search has improved many-fold here.

TL;DR when the post corpus is large we prioritize searching the last 100,000 posts by ID number. If we don’t get enough hits to reach the single page result threshold, then, and only then, do we search the other 3,900,000 posts. This is a configurable setting.

It’s basically a kind of statistical sampling, skewed by date. If a word appears a lot in the last 100k posts, it’s very likely to appear a whole hell of a lot in 3.9m more posts. And vice versa, a rare word in the last 100k posts is gonna be rare everywhere, most likely.

The only “downside” is that recent results are favored, but this is usually what people want anyway.

99 posts were split to a new topic: Feedback on new categories page layout

7 posts were split to a new topic: Flood of new invisible topics in Front Page category?

Someone else must have mentioned it, but it just really annoys me:

Why is it that when I want to NOT post after some typing (for me it is usually when I’m on my phone and I cbf thumbing a long post), I will be asked “Are you sure you want to abandon your post?”.

Really, do you HAVE to be this harsh, Discourse? Abandon my post? Dereliction of my duty? No sir/madam, I just cbf posting it, that’s all.

It’s a safety measure, assuming that after you’ve typed a response you don’t want to lose it. Don’t know why that would be so annoying. It shouldn’t come up that often.

I mean the wording has a harsh connotation. Perhaps something more gentle like “Are you sure you want to cancel your draft?”? No it was just a very minor peeve of mine.

And kind of funny that Discourse yelled at me for not posting. “You bloody coward! Thumb your post like a man! And eat your veggies!”

Relevant TV Tropes article:

I seem to recall that if I closed a tab with a incomplete reply… next time I visit that thread/post it will be there again, and it even transferred to mobile…

or I dreamt it.

Yes, that happens if you close the browser, but not if you explicitly cancel the post!

We automatically store server side drafts per-topic about every minute. So you could start writing a post on your phone and finish on your computer.

TurboGrafx-16 Entertainment SuperSystem Preference?

It’s a dummy palceholder to contain data for the Enhancements User Script Arrendek (and maybe others) put together:

And the script is using it now, so that’s good. :)