Disgaea coming to the 2nd last platform you'd expect...PC!

Item World is probably my favorite part of the series. I got to the IW in the D5 demo to see what changes they’ve made but am most likely just gonna go back to D2 now and finish Axel mode and see what the D2 endgame is like. I love this series so much.

You would know about food porn!

I love the fact that there’s a demo. It’s probably one of those (many) games that I like the idea of playing in theory but would probably end up not playing very much. Now I can have my cake and eat it too…

I hear Disgaea is a series you can really sink your teeth into. I wouldn’t mind gorging myself on it.

D5 is the only one where I’ve ever actually done it. The way 5 gives incremental challenges all the way to the top made it a lot more fun than just grinding the item world forever with no goal in sight.

Tip one, don’t bother with guides or whatever, you don’t need the power leveling till post game.

I am almost finished with the D2 story, failed to finish it before the D5 demo. After 5 hours with the D5 demo, I don’t think I can go back to D2, there are just too many QoL improvements in D5.

Food for thought!

Ha! That’s why I went back to D2: I knew I would never finish it if I spent too much time with D5. Having completed the main story in D2 and playing Axel’s story seems to have opened up a ton of new items so I’m having a blast leveling up new classes and new items.

The main theme song for D5 haunts me. Just reading about the game in this thread and I have that song playing in my head.

I hear you. I haven’t uninstalled 2 yet. And going back to it is not out of the question. I’m so hooked on 5 though.

I just replayed D1, the music is fantastic. The gameplay not so much.

Anyone picked this up yet? I love me some Disgaea and will pick it up anyways I am sure, but I am curious about the complaints that it is missing content. Maybe it is just the network stuff? I don’t care about that.

Steam reviews are pretty conflicting on exactly what the complaints are.

I did, but I was unaware of the shenanigans at the time of purchase. I probably would have never missed the content that was cut but publishers can’t be rewarded for this kind of behavior (announcing that they cut a good bit of content but waited until 24 hours after it went on sale before they notified anyone). I have the game on PS4 so I refunded it on PC. I may pick it up one day on a steep sale.

For the record, the game looks gorgeous on PC and I had no hitches in the 2 hours I played.

I bought it, yes. It looks, sounds and plays great. I have no idea what exactly is missing* because I’m too busy having fun with what is there.

* Actually, I read the list of what’s missing just like everyone else. But since I don’t know the game, I don’t know the impact of the missing features. It seems the major one would be map editing, but I don’t think I’d need that, and I don’t think any of the other PC releases in the series (1 and 2) had such a feature. If they did, I never missed it, and I doubt I will now.

The map editing is mostly a way to cheese a few achievements; the actual interaction with other users is extremely minimal so it’s not really that important.

However not being able to fight other users’ teams in the item world/netherworld battles is a bigger deal; those are pretty fun and add variety to grinding.

Besides that, it’s just lazy. There’s no good reason those features couldn’t be implemented; they likely just hired some cheap third-rate port job the same way they did for Ys VIII and whoever it was couldn’t handle basic backend server communication. They’re not improving their recent reputation of lazy and half-assed work, that’s for sure.


It haunts me. Plays in my head ovER AND OVER!

The fact that the singer is often slightly off-key is at once grating and endearing, and I mean that mostly in a good way. Mostly.

And for some reason it reminds me of the “hostess makeup” song in Yakuza 0. No off-key singing there, but the song has a similar (if different) vibe, and the same slightly broken English that is cute in its own way. :)

I absolutely adored that song! Reminded me of Dr. Buzzard’s Original Savannah Band