Disney Buys LucasFilm


Just wash out the hair dye…

The new issue of Entertainment Weekly talks about the next trilogy being after RotJ. It also mentions that Luke, Leia, and Han will all be in the movies at their current age and played by their original actors, which means no Vader and most likely a story revolving around their children. It also goes on to say Michael Arndt is writing the script, Kathleen Kennedy will be the executive producer (which is probably why Harrison Ford will be back) and that the director is most likely going to be Brad Bird.

There could be a Vader impostor…

I know Michael Arndt. He’s a good guy. Lets hope he writes a good Star Wars script!

This could be promising:


What movies has Lawrence Kasdan done since the 1980s? He was a big deal once, but, nowadays, I dunno.

Talk about a franchise desparately in need of rebooting. I’ll bet their action figure sales are in the cellar.

Star Wars isn’t Trek, though. It’s too steeped in mythology to get away with that type of thing. Rather, they would simply use the Star Wars version: a new, new republic or old, old republic. Star Wars is like the Wheel of Time, ages come and ages go. The same patterns repeat.

A long term contract he had to sign, he’ll be making these movies 'til the end of time…

Zack Snyder is going to make a Star Wars movie, but it’s not part of the upcoming trilogy.

They did the Magnificent Seven thing in the Star Wars comics that ran in the late seventies between Star Wars and Empire. It was Han and Chewie, some kid that reminded Han of Luke and his robot buddy, a seven foot tall green rabbit with two guns and his human girlfriend, and I forget the seventh member of the team. Anybody else remember that? Wish I still had those.

If there is a seven foot rabbit in this film, I’m there day one.

I remember those issues! The seventh member of the team was a crazy old guy with a lightsaber who thought he was a Jedi (kind of like Kikuchiyo in Seven Samurai, who is no samurai but has spirit and a bitchin’ sword). I’d watch that movie.

Like most entertainment news you only see on blogs you’ve never heard of, this was apparently debunked.


Wait, Jazz Jackrabbit was in a Star Wars crossover?

I have one somewhere…

I seems to be called Eight for Aduba-3 and like all of Marvel’s Star Wars comics it seems to be available in a Dark Horse trade paperback or omnibus.

…and I can get the omnibus edition from my local library. My time on the internet today was well spent. Thank you.

Also, that website in the link… I’m really not sure what to say. Every character, critter, droid, and event in obscure 33-year-old comics listed and each with its own linked wiki page. I’m intrigued, impressed, and disturbed all at once. Mostly disturbed.

J.J. Abrams to direct Episode VII.

Sweet, maybe we can get that Star Trek/Star Wars crossover made. I need this Enterprise vs. Star Destroyer question settled, dammit.


Is there a recommended place to go for nerd rage-tears?