Divinity: Original Sin

I finished this last Sunday. Loved it. Got 100 hours out of it, first a level 8 party then a level 22 party finishing the game. Its my game of the year for 2014. The inventory tedium made it a slog in the last quarter of the game…too many items in the game world and not enough of them meaningful. That is my only real criticism beyond minor polish stuff. I loved the combat system, enjoyed the overall story and found many of the quests entertaining.

I just finished the game and I have to say
I’m happy I had the …

lava core scroll

for the final battle. Otherwise I don’t think I would have won. I failed my first couple tried before I realized I had the item.

While my initial impressions of Divinity were favorable, they started to wane by mid game for many of the reasons people have already mentioned above.

  • I didn’t really enjoy the story.
  • While combat was basically well done, I didn’t like the reliance on environmental factors. I also didn’t like the amount of summons (sometimes prior to combat) to increase the number of enemies. I rather have faced less numbers of more powerful enemies in many places.
  • No real sense of exploration, gated by level. This was also true of many classic RPGs I think - Bioware, Gold Box, etc.
  • I also didn’t like the puzzle design for most of the puzzles - find the switch, move the barrels, using the teleporters. I just didn’t have fun with them for some reason.
  • Some UI annoyances, like hard to click on targets at times, not being able to rotate 360 degrees, crafting.

The strengths for me were that the visuals and music are well done, along with the action point based combat. I’m surprised with how little the game clicked with me after the honeymoon period wore out.

As an aside, I really enjoyed playing Dream Quest on the iPad during this time. A great simple game that you can play in small chunks or hours at a time.

I feel the same; my party is level 14 and doing fine but I don’t feel much drive to continue. I still like the combat well enough though it hasn’t changed much for a few levels, but I don’t care about the story or characters and don’t feel like finding all the quests in the third town and running around the map to do them.

Is there any consensus on which builds make the game most fun? Coolest spells, skills, etc? Anything to avoid? I just made it through the tutorial dungeon and don’t want to go farther if I have a boring or broken party.

Same here, please. I’m so worried about screwing things up from the start that I’m afraid to proceed!

A good thing to remember is to make sure one of your starting characters have Pet talk…the skill where you can talk with animals. Other than that, a high perception character is a must as well, but if you are more interested in being warrior and mage, you get hirelings that you can tailor as you wish.

You do get access to a mage / wind mage and a Knight ( two handed warrior) very quickly so you can try to build your party up around that fact.

Other than that, don’t worry too much about it. Most classes can do tons of things - I’d say warriors are the most “boring” classes, in that they don’t get access to elements much, but scrolls helps out there a tons. Also, don’t be afraid to give your warrior a point in water magic, or any other interesting magic area. That opens up more tactical options in combat, and its not a game where every skill point has to be used optimally.

Seriously, I’ve started and restarted the game a few times.

Give me a good idea of a starting duo to go with, someone, or I’m not sure I’ll ever advance…:)

Seconded. While I personally thought archery was complete weaksauce some folks apperently have used this with great success as well.
Other than that, I’d stay pick a course and stick with it (mage or warrior), but even if you don’t, the game isn’t very punishing.
In fact, having a REALLY minmaxed build appearently makes all combat trivial (and it was already pretty easy in large parts for my gut-feeling build).


I restarted a few times as well because I totally didn’t want to discover that I was stuck with some sucky combination of characters by midgame. And things are so slow at the start that that totally feels like it could happen. But once you hit level 6, you start getting 2 skill points per level, and 3 at level 10, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to branch out.

Also, a bit of a spoiler, but you will eventually get access to a merchant who will sell you 2 books at 10,000 gp a pop, which will give you more skill and ability points. The merchant also restocks them each time you gain a level. So it’s totally viable that your starter knight will branch out into scoundrel and pick up a few witchcraft spells for flavor. Or your enchanter eventually turns into something closer to a battlemage with an axe and shield.

All that said, I started with a caster focusing on Intelligence and Perception, with points in Air and Earth magic, telekinesis and loremaster and lucky. This was my spotter, finder and identifier. My other was my face character, a straight-up knight with charisma and pet pal, and focused on Strength and Constitution. There are no early skills/spells I would say are totally necessary, but healing is useful, as are spells or spell combos that block line of sight. Enemy archers are annoying, but enemy archers standing in a pool of oil that has been lit on fire are a lot less so, yes because they’re burning by more importantly because the clouds of smoke mean they can’t just stand there and peg away at you.

Here’s a tip for the min/maxers out there: You want a rogue. Make sure you pick backstab as a starting special. Pick Fast Track, Hide in shadows, and the stun (forgot name) starting abilities.

When you get to level 4 look for the Trip and Charm skills, and put your next special point into the one that grants 20% bonus movement. Alternate your ability points between dexterity and speed. When the starting characters get into arguments pick any choice that seems “heartless”, because that gives a to-hit bonus to backstabs.

Don’t melee attack unless its a backstab (or a sure killshot). Even when you’re in melee range of a warrior enemy you can maneuver to its back without taking an attack of opportunity.

Even in the early game where you fight all undead with their crazy high pierce resists you’ll be pushing massive damage, have self invis and haste, and have 3(!) crowd control abilities.

Boom. Thanks!

I use a Ranger and he works well, along with a cleric and the Mage and the Warrior. The ranger needs 2 things, 1 use the special arrows and a decent bow you can fire twice eg 4 AP and you have 8AP, after using the special arrows it really lets you whittle away enemies quite quickly.

I am level 7 now and the extra points as you level is great but some of the skills dont appeal yet, hoping we get some better stuff in the next area.

Actually I think I read in a patch note that merchant will no longer restock those items.

I just finished the game yesterday, and said merchant was indeed restocking every level. So unless a newer patch has just been released…

shurg dunno then. Read it in a steam patch note a while back. I have not played the game in a few weeks. I finished it the week it came out, I think. It was right as I was finishing the game when the patch came down. Perhaps they unpatched it. It is hardly OP at that point in the game.

I also read they patched out the re-stocks? I’ve only just bothered to buy them, so I’ll go back on next level up to check!

ps: I’m fairly sure it’s impossible to get stuck in this game? No build is too crap (well, maybe if you took 0 combat skills?). So I don’t think everyone should just get over their analysis paralysis on the subject ;).

They said they patched it…but it didn’t take. It seems like something they will eventually stop though.

I find it a strange decision anyway. Does that mean, in co-op, you have to choose one of the books each? I’d say the 4 or so skill points you get from the skill book is worth way more than the 1 attribute point you get from the other.

So I have a challenge in this game. I solved the murder by knowing about Evelyn and she ran away to the woods in the north. I thought that this is the time to venture forth and the moment I exit the main gate of the city, there are 3 half bodied level 5 ghouls that spit poison. Needless to say, my party could not survive. So I reloaded but I am not sure what else I can do in the city! There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do to level up so I can fight these ghouls again.

(yes, I went down into a underground caves via a graves that I dug, and I fought most of the skeletons in there and it led me to a room that is fused with traps and I can’t proceed… ) I should be reading a walkthrough but I thought perhaps you guys have some ideas here.

If you go to the spoilers thread for the game on these forums I asked the same question and was stuck at exactly the same stage.

Razgon posted a link to the map of the area with it shaded in by the different levels and where to go to help level up. It sorted my problem out and is worth looking at.

Link to topic http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?75350-Divinity-OS-(hints-amp-spoilers)/page6

Link to map http://i.imgur.com/O42hd38.gif