Bale absolutely freaking out on the set of Terminator: Salvation.
Lots of swearing, so you’ll want headphones if you’re somewhere that doesn’t use “fuck” as punctuation.
Bale absolutely freaking out on the set of Terminator: Salvation.
Lots of swearing, so you’ll want headphones if you’re somewhere that doesn’t use “fuck” as punctuation.
Hahaha, wow. High stress movie, or is he known to act like that?
I need this to be a video.
He seems to have a bit of an anger management problem. Wasn’t he arrested for assaulting his mother?
Are we sure this is from the Terminator movie set? Sounds more like the movie version of “The Gordon Ramsay Story”. Method acting FTW.
krise madsen
His Sister (and his mom some, who I hear is a stage mom type) And, she was askin for it.
Sharon Bale is the sister of actor Christian Bale. Christian Bale was arrested on July 22, 2008, for allegedly assaulting her.1 On July 24, 2008, it was reported that the dispute began after Christian Bale refused Sharon Bale’s request that he give her GBP 100,000. A source close to Christian Bale revealed that he had been suffering from depression and insomnia and was experiencing marital difficulties with his wife Sibi Blazic.2
I like he didn’t break his American accent until sometime in.
One could say he went bat(man)-shit insane.
sometimes people have bad days, acting can be very high stress. Who knows, this could be take number 15 on a scene that you just can’t quite get right… and some dude just fucks it up by walking in front of you, thus pulling your focus away.
I love how he slowly devolves into that British accent though, funny.
You’d think that McG would have reined him in after, say, a full minute of screaming and berating a guy with 20 years experience in the business.
Yeah, I’m sorry. People have bad days, but that is completely uncalled for. Yeah, we get it. You’re the star of the picture. Don’t be a bitch, Bale. You just move on and get your shit done. Taking a full minute to bitch him out is really professional.
Guess who’s the fucking amateur? It’s not the lighting guy.
Was it like the scene in the Machinist? Because that scene was pretty scary.
I’ve never heard of something like this getting out like this. I know it happens all the time and sometimes rants come out years later.
I think Bale must of been pissing off scores of techs on the set.
Anybody ever see “My Best Fiend”? Werner Herzog’s documentary about his very stormy friendship with Klaus Kinsky. There is a scene where Klaus is going apeshit and screaming at some poor crew member. Herzog lets him go, explaining it was better to have Klaus get it out, especially if it wasn’t directed at him.
Movie sets are very undemocratic. The only thing that is important is getting the scene, and if it means an innocent sap gets yelled at, so be it. For the future of their working relationship, the director might even be reluctant to interfere and have Bale direct his anger at him.
The assistant producer or director is often a position that is used as a lightining rod on a lot of sets to run interference for the director. Someone has to tell Mr. Penn that they need to reshoot a scene at 6 AM? Send the AD…
Awesome meltdown! However, that’s no “lighting guy” he’s berating. It’s the director of photography (DP), who’s responsible for how the movie looks and one of the most prestigious positions to have on a movie. He’s in charge of the cameras and the lighting and arguably works closer with the director than even the actors. In fact, on some sets, you could say the DP and director are almost on equal footing.
It sounds like McG and the DP pretty much take it in stride and let him blow off steam until he’s ready to do the shot again. In fact, depending on what sort of scene they’re about to shoot, Bale’s meltdown might have actually helped the movie.
Ahh, I didn’t read the accompanying text.
It sounds like McG and the DP pretty much take it in stride and let him blow off steam until he’s ready to do the shot again. In fact, depending on what sort of scene they’re about to shoot, Bale’s meltdown might have actually helped the movie.
Heh, this gets into weird manipulation territory, where directors might purposely set up circumstances to piss people off before tense scenes. I don’t know how I feel about that, but as long as the person he gets to take the meltdown is in on it, I guess that’s cool.
Bale got nothing on Klaus Kinski.
Well, to be fair, I have no idea how Bale’s process works but I think a lot of can agree that we like the results of that process. With Batman, and now Terminator, a lot is riding on Bale’s process and this guy messed it up. It could be that pressure. Maybe Bale’s the kind of guy that needs time to “get there” and casually strolling around during a take just set him (and therefore) everyone back. Maybe Bale felt like he finally “got there” and was just frustrated. In the end, I feel like walking through an actor’s eyeline during an actual take is a pretty rookie thing to do. Would I have flipped out like that? Probably not, but then I don’t appreciate what is asked of an actor on set of a giant Hollywood film. But in Bale’s defense, what the hell was the DP doing walking around during a take? I’m guessing he would have been watching a monitor.
Who knows? Maybe he was trying to double-check/reset a light so that the scene would remain usable, and has in the past worked on sets in which the actors didn’t care about activity around the stage.
I certainly wouldn’t handle someone yelling at me in a professional environment as calmly as that guy did, and it does seem like pretty douchey behavior, but if that’s what Bale needs to do to turn in the performances he does, so be it. I don’t especially care if someone’s an asshole when it comes to enjoying their creative work. I still dig classic Michael Jackson music, too.
He was probably extremely tired and having a bad day.