Do you own a firearm? (anonymous poll inside)

I don’t mind, but I’m not sure I can articulate it well.

Part of it is a connection to my dad. He was a gun guy, so I was raised as a gun kid in a lot of ways. He carried basically everywhere, his wheelchair always had at least one gun within reach as he was roaming around the world. As I got older it wasn’t something I really thought about much until he was gone. Now I carry my favorite gun of his that makes me think of him every day.

Now I just do it as a matter of general preparedness, I guess? The odds of anything happening are extremely low, but it’s reassuring to not have to worry about other people for the most part. And I’ve found it helps with my anxiety issues a fair bit as well. Though honestly it’s a bit of a pain more than anything, but it’s part of the routine at this point. Winter is actually welcome since there is no fiddling with concealed holsters, just slap the open holster on my belt and my coat conceals it. If someone happens to catch a glimpse (they never do) legally I can open carry so it doesn’t matter. I don’t open carry because I’m not out here to make a political point and it makes people nervous and uncomfortable. I don’t want to upset strangers and talk to police officers. The latter point might be different since our laws changed, but really that’s a hassle for absolutely zero upsides. If something actually happens you don’t want to be seen as a threat, it makes people nervous, cops might show up, etc, etc. I have walked to my car with it on my hip in nice weather if I’m going someplace where I’m not getting out (pick someone up from the airport, going to visit friends and not stopping for stuff). Even then I flip my t-shirt over it on the walk usually.

I don’t know if that really explains it well. It’s part tradition, part fire extinguisher (ie preparedness), part security chunk of steel, and part remembering my old man.