Do you wear a kilt?

The Caledonia (Michigan) Kilt Klassic 5k earlier this summer. That’s me in the utilikilt, which is surprisingly comfortable for jogging. I saw 4 or so other kilt-bearers but didn’t get a chance to gather all of us together for a picture. Also there was a small kilt-clad band playing at the finish line, though they had only one piper.

If I kilted I would go utility kilt as well. I dont think could run with the front pouch flying around.

Both a bit tanned for Scotsmen.

Would it be rude to call someone out who should be posting in this thread?


P.S. Not necessarily related, but @ChristienMurawski should see this thread.

If I were to ever try and wear a kilt, I would make damn sure to have a buddy like that guy on the left there, and be within shouting-for-help distance at all times. :)

Cool photo, @ineffablebob.

Wouldn’t wear one in Florida. A guy could get kilt.

I guess Qt3 ranks high in kilt discussions.

I guess the discussion was kilt before it even began.

I’d wear a non-wool kilt.

I took one for the team and clicked on the link so we can get some more rando kilt enthuiasists in here.

I wore a kilt to my sister’s wedding (she married a Scotsman, and it seems polite to join in the dress code).

It was very comfortable.

They’re just not long enough.

Stop trying to Pele kick.

I almost put a kilt on my Christmas list… almost.

If you go wading in a kilt, the frops will bite your nuts.

Aawww, wookit the widdle SEO wink spammer.

Doesn’t apply to that post, but we’ve seen some using LLMs lately to “write” fairly long-winded but completely correct answers to peoples’ questions, with a linkfarming URL at the end of course.

It’s a brave new world, fellas and fellates.

Fellates? That’s terrible!

Oh yeah, this is old-school link-building, not using that AI nonsense.

C’mon man, it’s like you’re not even trying.