DOA Xtreme Beach Vollyball

I’ve only put a couple hours into the game, but I thought I’d put forth a few impressions. I’ll try keep it brief.

There are two things necessary for enjoyment of DOA:XBV. First is the realization that this is not a Hardcore™ sports game or sim that is meant for bigtime game junkies to spend all day playing for a few days straight…like for instance if you were going to crank out a review. The best way I can describe it is “casual,” it wants to be played maybe an hour at a time, picking it up now and again for some brainless, simple, but satisfying fun that you don’t have to work very hard at. That’s not to say “real gamers” won’t like it, and this one does, but it’s clearly not meant for the same crowd that memorizes the unblockable 6-hit combo in Dead or Alive, from a gameplay perspective.

The second thing is that part of the “entertainment” value here has absolutely nothing to do with gameplay, and that might be a hard concept for us stodgy old-school more-gamer-than-thou people who frequent this board to come to grips with. (me included) Yup, sure enough, starting at extremely well-rendered, hardly dressed, improbably proportioned girls is part of the appeal here. And if you’re too serious/snobby/prude/mature/whatever to find any sort of fun in some gratutitous T&A, you’re likely to find that this is half a game. No, T&A is not the sole appeal, but it’s most definitely part of it. Me, I got no problem with a little well-intentioned bouncing and stretching in a context where it makes sense (ala - not Aida from Unreal II). I’d not buy a game just for that, though.

So how’s the actual gameplay? The vollyball is very simple but quite enjoyable nonetheless, and I find myself as excited about a well-won volly as I was in Virtua Tennis. (insert “excited” pun here) The dressing up your girl and buying gifts part could have been implemented better, though. The music is a mixture of awful and good - and I suspect that due to the pop beat nature of it most people will alternately like and hate it because there’s no middle ground on pop - but it’s at least fitting. I’ve muted the bad tracks and used a few I ripped to my Xbox hard drive instead.

Overall, I’m liking it so far. It’s sort of a guilty pleasure, like enjoying the latest flashy shallow Schwartzenegger flick or something. I’m not going to write all my friends and tell them to run right out and buy this game, but I wouldn’t steer the curious away from it and I look forward to giving it some more play.

It’s Pong with Boobies, and you know, pong ain’t a bad concept, really.

Neither are boobies.


Are there any cutscenes involving congratulatory hugs, pats on the rump, or sun screen application? That would be pleasant.

Considering that Olympic rules dictate that female beach volleyball players play in two-piece suits, DOAX Beach Volleyball is less exploitative than the IOC.


I’ve been playing it since yesterday and I must say that I’m glad I didn’t pay full price (gamestop trade in deal).

As fresh and relaxing as the game is, if you take any aspect of the game by itself you’ll notice how pathetically shallow it is. The vollleyball does have its exciting action at times but the difficulty is weak (I lost about two or three matches in my first 2 weeks), the complexity is non-existant, and the locations are few.

The casino (which I was looking forward to) is very basic. You could download flash games better then what was presented. You navigate through the casino via menu options. Team Ninja could’ve implemented so much more here with regular poker instead of video poker and having some interaction with the ladies (or maybe online?), you can play with others at the roulette table but they all speak Japanese with no subtitles so that’s a bit akward to say the least

The voyure part is limited to few locals and actions, not to mention that they last very short and waste part of the day in game time. The camera is also restrictive in where you can go and swiches angles frequently.

The “Dating Sim” part is also dissapointingly shallow. There is no conversations to gather info on a certain DOA girl to find out what she likes. In fact you’ll never see more then one girl at a locale unless you’re playing a volleyball game. To find out how to win a girl over just read the manual, find out her favorite color and hobby and purchase accordingly. There are also some inherent alliances and dislikes but otherwise that’s it.

I’m not dissing it because it’s not Super Hardcore and I’m just not enjoying the “spirit” of this vacation sim. I’m dissing it because it could’ve been more. Tecmo cut too many corners for it to be a full price game. Xbox Live 4 player volleyball and casino would’ve helped tremendously. A more realistic “dating sim” with actual character interaction and dialogue would’ve helped big time. More locations with more actions and a limitless Gravure movies and more camera controll also would’ve helped. More mini games! That pool hopping thing was fun for about 5 minutes.

You can virtually date the girls??


It just seems odd for a game concept, but then again, it’s developed in Japan, so…

No you can partner with them in v-ball, but it borrows some elements in Jp Dating Sims.

I think I’ll just wait for DOA: Xtreme Pillowfights to be released.

Can’t wait to customize the plushness of the pillows, decide whether to use satin or flannel pillowcases, and buying the ladies new babydoll pajamas.

Jeezus, you can actually win a match? I tried all night and the closest I got was 5-7, but I lost every single one.

The only time I did win was by going into exhibition mode and giving myself a “confident” teammate and switching the two opponent AI’s to the lowest difficulty setting.

What’s the trick? I’ve gotten into situations where we’re spiking the ball back and forth for literally a minute before someone screws up (usually me).

Sounds like a fun rental.

I made a few trade-ins today and noticed DOAX surprisingly sitting on the shelf as I was looking for something new to take home and enjoy. I thought it was due for another couple months. I nearly broke down and was about to take a copy home to try out, but then a sole copy of Suikoden 3 caught my eye and I jumped on that one instead.

Good game so far, not very difficult though much like previous games in the series, but the new additions and changes have been interesting enough(dual partner system+striker-esque support character; Trinity plot structure and progression; certain magic attacks can now damage party members as well; new skill system; etc…) Music is a hit and miss, sometimes it’s fab othertimes it can be a revolting. Plot is decent enough, usual Suikoden twists and turns but without recycling what had occurred in previous games. Oh and the full scale battles don’t outright suck like in the past two games this time! Though I miss watching dozens of tiny warriors massacre each other onscreen in a big ‘rock/paper/scissors’ contest.

Solid stuff, and that concludes my DOAX adventure last night!

None of the ones you mentioned, specifically, but there are things along those lines. You can go to a part of an island that isn’t occupied and just gawk at a girl that’s stretching, lounging, whatever. In one forest scene, Hitomi was straddling a horzintal-growing tree trunk and scooching herself along it in a VERY impure manner. I’m not making this up.

Jeezus, you can actually win a match? I tried all night and the closest I got was 5-7, but I lost every single one.

The trick is to figure out how hard (not how LONG!) to press a button to generate a “light” verses a “strong” press. It’s the force of your press, so a very quick but strong tap will still be a “strong”. Using the Set button with a light press will set up the ball for a spike. You have to press this button lightly when your partner recieves to signal her to set you up. Also, wait a long time to nail down the button for a spike. And you can aim the direction you’re going to hit it, too - aim for that empty space on the opponent’s side.

There are really some good hints in the manual, believe it or not.

As fresh and relaxing as the game is, if you take any aspect of the game by itself you’ll notice how pathetically shallow it is.

Agreed. It only maintains a real sense of entertainment by having enough “shallow” things to divert yourself with to kill an hour without getting bored. You probably couldn’t kill four hours, though. Which is why I say it’s very casual that way… if you only played an hour or so at a time, like three times a week, it would probably be not at all shallow-seeming. You probably wouldn’t really reach the bottom of it’s “depth” and wonder why there’s no more.

I would have liked to see a camera option for the voyeur scenes. Just as you can take a picture in Shenmue II at any time during gameplay, pressing the “white” button should take photos during the voyeur scenes that you can make an album out of or something.

I totally agree that it could have been much more. I would have appreciated an option for english dialog as well. But I found in just a couple hours that what’s there is entertaining enough. I wish this was a cheaper game, yeah, but I wish even more that there was a little more “island interaction” with the girls or the casino, as you said.

It certainly is a decent rental, and if you’ve got an Xbox that gets regular use from a variety of visitors (friends, dorm room, whatever), it would be worth buying.

Ok, being a huge fan of Virtua Tennis back in the DC days, how would you people compare Beach Spikers to this new release? I have been holding off on purchase of that for so long now, partially because I had been waiting to see how Tecmo’s game would compare. Any thoughts or recommendations between the two?

Ok, being a huge fan of Virtua Tennis back in the DC days, how would you people compare Beach Spikers to this new release? I have been holding off on purchase of that for so long now, partially because I had been waiting to see how Tecmo’s game would compare. Any thoughts or recommendations between the two?

I don’t think there’s any question which one you should get first since Beach Spikers is $9.99 at Best Buy, right now, today. It’s also got the hugging and behind patting missing from DOAX. ;-)

From what I’ve read, it’s also a much better multiplayer game. I own it and I can attest to the entertainment of four player Beach Spikers. It’s pretty damn fun. If you want the closest thing to softcore porn without quite going over the edge, or you’re desperate for some video poker, go for the $50 DOAX.


I dont have a console system atm.

I did see some of this game in action, and I have to say its filled with jiggling hotties. That being said, if I want some T&A I got a lot of places I turn to before a console game.


I am not exactly sure what you mean by “scooching”, but do not tell me. The definition in my head is probably better than what you meant. :wink:

I just can’t stop laughing.

Could you please define ‘extreme’ as used in this game? At one point are you chased by raptors or something?

I think it’s more like the girls are in rapture…or something…


I am not exactly sure what you mean by “scooching”, but do not tell me. The definition in my head is probably better than what you meant. :wink:[/quote]
Unless you’re Rocco Siffredi, the Hitomi log scooch is probably more suggestive than what you came up with in your head. It’s the one moment I almost liked the game.

Also: It’s a fucking terrible game. Ironically for a game with Xtreme in the title – so Xtreme, in fact, that a letter was burned off – the game’s failures all revolve around the fact that no aspect of the game goes far enough. The volleyball is so shallow it barely exists at all, the best thing about the soundtrack is that YOU provide the songs, the casino is worse than free online gambling sites, none of the extras are worth the effort to earn, and hell, although it’s all taking place on some fantasy island paradise, the bulk of the game is spent navigating menus. When you get down to it, the lecherous old man angle is the one thing this game had going for it, and if THAT was Xtreme, then the game would have at least one merit to speak of. As it stands, the decision to go consistantly halfway completely killed a game that could’ve been fun in several places.