Does anyone know what happened to Vic Davis?

Nice cover.

My body, kindle and soul are ready. Bring it, Vic.

No procrastination in Vic’s world! I’m really impressed.

Procrastination is actually my middle name. :) But I like where its at and I’m a self publishing hobbyist so that takes a lot of the pressure off. Still hope people enjoy it.

“Does anyone know what happened to Vic Davis” is also the name of my new learning AI detective game.

Who is Al and what is he learning?

@Vic_Davis This is set in the Armageddon Empires universe, correct? Please?

Sorry, No. Although something like Sanderson’s Cosmere wouldn’t be impossible since the story presupposes a multiverse with travel between universes a possibility.

If you can travel between them that means they’re not multiverses but all part of the same universe since one universe can affect the other. Sanderson is such a hack.

Hehe, never thought about it that way. That’s actually an interesting semantic point. But since this is fiction, my magic writing wand is all powerful. :)

Is Vic Davis the guy who co-starred in the movie Willow?

Get thee back to Solium Infernum!

So … I’m about 25% through the book. It’s quite different than anything else I’ve read. The universe in which the story is taking place is really alien. Pretty cool. Recommended.

But … @Vic_Davis … you might want to check your proof reading. Nine isn’t a prime number. In the tavern fight, the Fibonacci sequence goes 1,1,2,3,5,8 … 2 was omitted. Because the universe is so alien to our experience, I don’t know if the intention is that math itself runs different (which makes it hard to grasp as a reader), or if these were accidents (which are jarring as a reader).

Vic Davis - also known as DB Cooper and Elvis’ twin brother… An international man of mystery, the scarlet pimpernel of our time…

Nobody can know what happened to Vic Davis and live to tell the tale!

Boughtenised, despite dodgy math

Just finished Babbitt, so Send me your Armies will be following up a Nobel Laureate winning novel. No pressure.

Is he related to the Vic Viper?

Other dimensions and different math. No. Oh god, that’s the result of my sloppiness and several revisions. Originally it was going to be an odd number sequence. Then it went to primes and in the process it got garbled. I was so intent on grammar that it slipped by. Same goes for the Fibonacci.

I’m going to submit it back to my formatting company and reupload it. Let me know if you find any more gross conceptual errors if you don’t mind. :)

Hope you are enjoying it.

I’d be happy if I could someday write prose like Jack Vance. I’m working on it. I’m encourage when I read his early short stories and see how different they were from his most famous works. Hopefully my writing will get better too.

I’ve read a famous book or two by Vance, but none of his early stuff. I did just finish Glen Cook’s first book a while back. Wow, it was pretty rough. I love his later work.